<p dir="ltr"><br>
Hello all,<br>
I hope you are all enjoying your summer. Other than dealing with my overly drenched garden, the summer has been wonderful. Several of us enjoyed a wonderful Annual Meeting in Dublin in the spring and some Ohio Members attended the AAFCS Annual Conference in Jacksonville. Both were informative and enjoyable. I personally enjoy the networking with fellow FCS professionals.</p>
<p dir="ltr">If you haven't checked out our website lately, I encourage you to use this address, <a href="http://www.oafcs.org">www.oafcs.org</a> to explore the newly designed website. You will find the attractive site is very user friendly and easy to find any information you are looking for. Thank you to Ruth Dohner and her website committee, Candace Fox, and our webmaster Tim Kohl for their hard work and time creating and fixing the website. Please note Explorer has not been updated since 2003 and does not allow full use of our website. Please use Chrome or Firefox when accessing the site.</p>
<p dir="ltr">The OAFCS board will be meeting on August 7th from 10am -2pm at MVNU - New Albany campus. Board members will be receiving an additional email from me with location address, agenda and lunch plans.</p>
<p dir="ltr">I look foweard to a wonderful year collaborating with you all.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Best, <br>
Kimberly Shuster <br>
OAFCS President</p>