[Oafcs] Ohio FCS Teacher wanted

Holmes, Pat holmes.86 at osu.edu
Thu Mar 4 08:51:04 EST 2021

Oakwood City School District has an opening starting in the 2021-2022 school year for a Family and Consumer Science Teacher.  We've had an outstanding teacher for years who is retiring, and we are hoping to get on the market early to get a qualified replacement.  OCSD is a high performing school district that is a suburb of Dayton, Ohio.

I'm hoping you can share the opening with any interested applicant who might be qualified and certified.  The position is currently posted on the Dayton Area Job Consortium website:


If you have any candidate, please share my contact information.  Any questions, please let me know.

Thank you for the assistance.

Allyson Couch

Allyson Couch
Director of Educational Services
Oakwood City Schools

Our office is staffed but closed to the public except by scheduled appointments. Please call or email to set-up an appointment.  Please wear a mask to your appointment. Most programs are virtual at this time. Stay safe and well. Thank you for thinking of OSU Extension.  My direct line is:  937-637-6537

   Pat Holmes
Montgomery County Extension Educator, Family & Consumer Sciences
College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
580 Calumet Lane, Dayton, OH 45417
Office 937-224-9654  Direct Line 937-637-6537   Mobile 937-533-5319
holmes.86 at osu.edu<mailto:holmes.86 at osu.edu>    https://montgomery.osu.edu/<https://montgomery.osu.edu/>    https://livesmartohio.osu.edu/<https://livesmartohio.osu.edu/>
Be kind and humble

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