[Oafcs] Scholarship Committee Report

Green, Donna green.308 at osu.edu
Thu Jan 31 15:38:45 EST 2013

Update for next week's meeting:

I've received two applications for OAFCS scholarships.  It's possible that I might get more; they needed to be postmarked by 1/31, so the mailman might be bringing me some in the next couple of days.

Hopefully everyone saw Judy's budget attachments; if not please read through the scholarship attachment. The finance committee is going to discuss paying for membership in OAFCS/AAFCS for scholarship applicants. I'm sure this is somewhat of a stumbling block for them.  I'm open to suggestions on this specific requirement. Would the board prefer to reimburse applicants for it, or just drop the requirement all together?  My thought is that we want to encourage membership in our organization, but $60 is a lot when you're a student with a tight budget!! I'm good with whatever the group decides!


Donna Green
Extension Educator
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS)
Ohio State University Extension
Erie County
2900 Columbus Ave
Sandusky, OH 44870
fax: 419-627-7536
green.308 at osu.edu<mailto:green.308 at osu.edu>

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