[Oafcs] [Fwd: FCS teacher needed] (fwd)

Ann Paulins paulins at ohio.edu
Thu Jun 3 07:04:26 EDT 2010

Please share this opportunity with potential applicants!

Rockhill Middle School is in the Southeast Ohio Region.

ann paulins

* *

*Mick Harriston, principal of Rockhill middle school is looking to hire a
Family and Consumer Science teacher.  He wants to know if we have any
interested applicants.*

* *

*His phone number is 740-532-8053, x3140*

* *

*I will call him and let him know I sent out an email and will get someone
from HHS to call him as well?  I hope this was okay...*

* *


* *

**Janet D. Merwin, Licensure**

**OU, Student Affairs**

**124B McCracken Hall**

**Athens**** OH  45701**


**740.593.9310 (fax)**

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way
in which its animals are treated."

~Mahatma Gandhi

Rebecca Zuspan, M.Ed.
Coordinator of Student Services
College of Health and Human Services
Grover Center W362
Ohio University
Athens, OH  45701
740-593-0285 fax


It is highly recommended that you turn OFF forwarding to your personal
e-mail account. Use Catmail instead to avoid losing important information
from Ohio University. Turn off forwarding at

---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

V. Ann Paulins
Director and Professor
School of Human and Consumer Sciences
Ohio University
Grover Center W324
Athens, OH  45701

Phone: 740.593.2880
Fax: 740.593.0289
paulins at ohio.edu
-------------- next part --------------
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From: Rebecca Zuspan <zuspan at ohio.edu>
Subject: [Fwd: FCS teacher needed]
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2010 09:01:29 -0400
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