[Newman-l] Newman, Take Nine

Soellner, Kaylee ks145610 at ohio.edu
Tue Mar 10 12:49:39 EDT 2015

Hi Newmaners!

I hope everyone had a relaxing and revitalizing spring break!

Here's what's going on this week and in the weeks to come (there's a lot, so get excited):

The Rosary will be prayed Tuesday night (tonight) at St. Paul's at 8:30.

There will be Java and Jesus on Wednesday from 2-3 in the lounge of St. Paul's with the Sisters!

Wednesday night is the weekly Newman meeting! We will be at St. Paul's this week.
       Mass is at 5:15
       Dinner is at 6:00
       The Newman meeting starts at 7:15

Don't forget to be prayerfully discerning about our need for people to join the Newman officer team for next year! Applications are due THIS SATURDAY.

Ladies for the Lord starts back up on Monday! It will be at St. Paul's at 7:30.

The seminary trip is still planned for March 15! See Kristina or Austin for more details.

SPRING RETREAT is so close: March 20-22!!! The cost is $25 dollars if you are going and want a shirt, or $20 if you only plan on attending and don't want a shirt. Please bring your money this week to the Newman meeting!! If you are going to retreat, please have your money in by Sunday!

PNO, or Parents Night Out, will be on April 11. We'll hear details at the meeting this week!

April 22 is our B-Dubs fundraiser. Get ready to demolish some wings for a good cause! We'll hear more details at the meeting this week.

Race for a Reason is April 25. We will hear more about this in the meeting this week too.

And also, don't forget this week's Twitter competition! Tweet what you did over spring break to enhance your spiritual life or your relationship with Jesus! Make sure you follow and tag @OhioNewman and use the hashtag #SBwithJC. Please have your responses in by 5PM on Wednesday. The winner will be announced at the end of Wednesday's meeting and will receive a $10 Chipotle gift card.

Can't wait to see you all this week!
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