[Newman-l] Newman-Week 11

Scott, Lindsey ls293209 at ohio.edu
Mon Mar 25 22:45:01 EDT 2013

Hey Newmaners!

Our Newman meeting is on Wednesday at 7:15 PM at the PC!  This week we are doing elections!!! We need as many people as we can to come to this meeting.  Even if you are not running, we still need you to show up and help choose the next officer team for Newman!  "What if I haven't been to a Newman meeting in a while?", you ask...It's okay! You are still a member of our group and we need YOU to come to elections and pick a member who is running.  This is not a popularity contest; pick someone who you think would be great at a leadership position and would add something to the Newman community officer team.  So PLEASE come to this meeting! Here are more announcements:

-TOMORROW (Tuesday), a group of us will be going to the Chrism Mass at St. Mary's in Marietta.  We will be leaving the Christ the King parking lot at 5:45 PM.  This is going to be an awesome Mass (Make sure you dress nicely)!

-ALL THIS WEEK, we will be cleaning up the ARC (on West Green beside Stocker Center)!! We will be starting at 8:00 AM every day of this week and it only takes about 30 minutes! Please come whichever day you are available (even if you are available for one day) because we need the help! This is also a great way to get involved if you are a Newman member who wants to run for a leadership position! If you are interested, contact Megan Norris (330-631-7044) (mn175810 at ohio.edu).

-Wednesday, there will be a group of us praying the Rosary at 4:45 PM Christ the King Parish Center's Chapel.  Feel free to join!

-Wednesday, there will be a Mass at Christ the King Parish Center's Chapel at 5:15 PM.  There will be FREE food afterwards too (6:00 PM)!

-Wednesday, after the Election/Newman meeting, we will be playing Passion of the Christ!!!!

-Wednesday, if you are running Race for a Reason, please bring addresses and contacts for sending out letters! Please email Megan Norris (mn175810 at ohio.edu) if you have not signed up yet or if you have any questions about sponsorship!

-Thursday, Mass will be at Christ the King at 7:00 PM (The Lord's Supper).

-Good Friday Events:
Stations of the Cross will be at 3:00 PM at St. Paul's
Confessions will be at 4:00 PM at St. Paul's
Celebration of the Passion will be at 7:00 PM at Christ the King

-Saturday, the Easter Vigil will be taken place at Christ the King at 8:00 PM.  If you are here this weekend, feel free to go and welcome the RCIA group into the Church! There will be a reception afterwards.

-April 5th (A Saturday), Newman will be doing a Childcare event! The Parish will be doing the Catholicism series for parents, so while the parents are doing the series, we will be watching their children!  It should be a fun time! If you are interested in going, please contact Amanda Lockwood (al386308 at ohio.edu)!

-SAVE THE DATE! Retreat will be the weekend of April 19th-21st!

-April 27th (A Saturday), Race for a Reason!

I hope all of you have a wonderful week!! Remember, it is Holy week, so make sure you attend Masses, prayer sessions, confessions, or anything else that you can get in before Easter! This is a great way to set a good example of being a Christian!  I hope to see all of you on Election Day (Wednesday)!

Lindsey Scott
Publicity Chair
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