Lockwood, Amanda al386308 at ohio.edu
Wed Mar 20 08:24:25 EDT 2013

Hey all,

Here is an email that contains a TON of service opportunities that you can do on your own or with some friends! Some Newman people do these on their own regularly if you would like a friend to do them with. As Catholics, we are called to service, so consider how you can give your time for others!

Saint Francis of Assisi said: “Preach the Gospel at all times; when necessary, use words.” Don’t speak the words of Jesus.  Live it in your everyday life.  Love thy neighbor, and recognize his or her struggle. Finally, do something.


Upcoming Service In Athens:

Campus Red Cross:

Date: March 20th, in the Baker center on the 5th floor.
Time: 12-5 pm (15 minute intervals)

Email Jordan Griggs at jg965011 at ohio.edu
1. Name
2. Time of donation
3. Email
4. Phone number

Every donor will be receiving a FREE GIFT from the Red Cross!!!


Good Earth Farm
3/23/2013 9:00AM - 10:00AM

Join CSLC at Good Earth Farm Saturday March 23rd! Good Earth Farm has reopened and needs help getting ready for the season!



High Street Clean Up

Sunday 3/24 (day after the fest) 12pm-3pm
Meet at Athens Middle School, sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1I8PtVj79j9Z-hgxz81gFWCIQm6M-IQLEoRiudpEFPiU/viewform?pli=1 to volunteer


Habitat For Humanity Volunteer Opportunities

ReStore Grand Reopening: Help is needed prepare for the grand reopening. Just give Molly a call (677-4024 or ReStore at athenshabitat.org<mailto:ReStore at athenshabitat.org>). March 22-23

ReStore: Store volunteers are always needed both for regular donation pickup as well as during store hours on Wednesday through Friday (9 to 5) and Saturday (9 to 4). Contact Molly (restore at athenshabitat.org<mailto:restore at athenshabitat.org>, or 677-4024).

Women Raise The Roof (WRTR) Build in Athens. Work this week will focus on the interior, including painting. Wed (9-5), Sat (9-5), and Sun. (noon – 6). Let Pat Merriell at pfm at athens-realty.com<mailto:pfm at athens-realty.com> know if you can be there for any hours, any days. (they have the same days most weeks, email her if you want information on going out) WOMEN ONLY BUILD


Thursday Supper celebrates 20 years of community meals this year! Join us on Thursday, April 18 for a special anniversary celebration!

Ongoing weekly free community meals. Everyone welcome to share a meal and/or volunteer with food prep and clean-up.  THURSDAYS, 5:30 (volunteers come between 3:30 - 7:30PM) and SATURDAYS, 1:00PM (volunteers come between 11:00am - 3:30pm) Emailucmmeals at gmail.com<mailto:ucmmeals at gmail.com> to get involved.


Looking to get involved with something NEXT year?

Kids On Campus

Do you like working with kids? Are you interested in making the difference in a child's life Kids on Campus needs homework helpers and team leaders for after-school help at local elementary schools including Amesville, Coolville, and Trimble Elementary. Pick up an application in Grover W315


Foreign Languages in the Elementary Schools (FLES) Program

FLES is a program that sends volunteer students to teach either Spanish or French in the local elementary schools, including West Elementary, East Elementary and Alexander. The volunteers are expected to teach once per week, with the average class time lasting about half an hour. Volunteers will teach preschool through 6th grade. The FLES program pairs volunteers' schedules with teachers' schedules to find a time that will work for everyone, and sometimes this results in a group of volunteers team teaching a class. Volunteers are expected to come up with their own topic and activities for each day they teach, but there is a large amount of resources available through the FLES organization which they can use.

To volunteer as a FLES teacher, you need to be at the 3000 level of the language you plan on teaching.

If you are interested and have questions, contact: Teri Ewing @ te242809 at ohio.edu


Americans: Would you like to...

  *   get to know a student from another culture?
  *   learn about other cultures and lifestyles?
  *   help answer questions about life in Athens?
  *   have fun and share American culture?
  *   enhance your resumé and career opportunities?

Then the Conversation Partners Program is for you!

For more information about this program, visit their website: https://sites.google.com/site/theopiezone/conversation-partners-program


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