[Newman-l] HOLY WEEK - Chrism Mass - 4/3/12 at 5:30pm

Stapleton, Dakota ds325509 at ohio.edu
Wed Mar 28 22:22:18 EDT 2012

Hey all,
Just a reminder if anyone would like to join, next Tuesday (IN HOLY WEEK!!) we will be leaving Athens for Marietta to take part in a Chrism Mass. We will be leaving the PC (parish Center) around 5:30pm.
--- You will witness the bishop bless three oils (which is used in administration of the sacraments throughout the year)
- oil of the catechumens
- oil of the infirm
- and holy chrism
--- You will also witness the priests of the diocese renew their promises.
--- The mass is at St. Mary's church in Marietta (beautiful church, completely worth seeing, especially in action)
--- Plus, you get to chill and hang out with the rest of us cool folks ;), along with CVB'ers, and dinner afterward.

So... tag along, hangout, and enjoy it all.

Peace out Newman'ers!!
& God Bless (-;

P.S. It'd also make for a good last minute Lenten event.

Dakota Stapleton

Ohio University

BS Mechanical Engineering

Private Pilots Certificate

ds325509 at ohio.edu<mailto:ds325509 at ohio.edu>

(740) 645-3724
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