[Newman-l] Newman Meeting - Week 10!!

Miles, Cara cm258507 at ohio.edu
Tue Mar 6 16:53:17 EST 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen of Newman!

For this week's meeting we will be attending the Lenten Mission talk on "Blessed Joseph - Model for Contemplation". The talk begins at 7pm, at CTK CHURCH. We will meet back at the PC directly afterward with Fr. Mark to discuss what we just heard, as well as have our quarterly toast!

Please join us!! :)


P.S. - Below is some extra information for this week's Lenten Mission activities

This week is the the Parish's Lenten Mission which is comprised of four talks (Mon-Thurs). The theme for the Mission is "Awareness and Contemplation" -The way of seeing creation; the way of seeing God. The presenter for the talks will be Fr. Don who was actually here at CTK before Fr. Marty. I have had the privilege of talking to him a few times and he seems really nice, and bonus, he gives great talks!

There are two talks each day; one at St. Paul at 11am and one at CTK at 7pm.
Tuesday: "Contemplating Eucharist"
Wednesday: "Blessed Joseph - Model for Contemplation"
Thursday: "Blessed Mary - Model for Contemplation"

10-10:45 - Confessions, StP
11-11:45 - Morning Prayer & Talk, StP
12 noon - Mass, StP (followed by Lenten lunch)
7 - Evening Prayer & Talk, CTK (followed by Confessions, except Thursday)
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