[Newman-l] Information/Q&A

Miles, Cara cm258507 at ohio.edu
Wed Feb 8 02:55:16 EST 2012

Hey there guys and gals of Newman!

I just wanted to remind you all that there will be a little informal information session TODAY (WEDNESDAY) at 6:30PM on the positions that will be up for elections next Wednesday, February 15th. Some positions have slightly changed, duties being removed and/or added, but everything has been done in order to create a more efficient Servant Leadership Team for our community. We are holding this meeting and answering any questions just to make sure no one is thrown for a loop come next Wednesday.

Honestly, if you aren't even thinking of a position, but are interested in what the team actually does, please stop by! (or email me cm258507 at ohio.edu)  If anything at all, we would love to hear any ideas you may have!

I hope week 6 is treating you all well, and that I'll see you tonight for the Christian Athletes meeting! God Bless!


Cara Miles

Newman Community President

Resident Assistant
Gamertsfelder Hall, room 354
(740) 597-9325

cm258507 at ohio.edu
(614) 312-8863

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