[Newman-l] Move In Crew!

Lockwood, Amanda al386308 at ohio.edu
Fri May 27 15:22:38 EDT 2011

Hey Everyone!

So as you may have heard on Wednesday we are going to be doing the Move In Crew in the fall. It's a good opportunity to help recruit members and get our name out across the school. Freshman move in is typically the Friday (September 2nd) of Labor Day weekend. Good news though if you do live in the dorms and want to help you get to move in early!!! (probably the day before freshman move in). I will send out another email after June 1st after the meeting that will hopefully answer most questions you will have and give us all the details.

  If you are willing to help out please email me back with contact information: EMAIL AND PHONE NUMBER! Also just let me know if you are still in the dorms (just let me know which one incase they ask for a dorm just to make sure you get in early).

    I will be in contact with those that want to help out throughout the summer to get things planned and under way. :) I promise this will be a fun and a good experience for all.

Thanks guys!!!!

Amanda Lokcwood

Treasurer/Fundraising Chair

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