[Newman-l] Fwd: CSO: Vatican II - Lumen Gentium

cl195907 at ohio.edu cl195907 at ohio.edu
Thu Apr 23 11:11:39 EDT 2009

Hey everyone,

I'm not sure how many of you are also on CSO's email list, but I thought I'd
send this along.  They'll be focusing on the documents of Vatican II this
quarter, which, apart from being just a little bit central to Catholicism, are
also really interesting.  Lumen Gentium is most well known with regards to
changes to the Mass itself, but covers much more than that as well.  If you have
the time, its probably definitely worth going--I'd be there for sure if I could.


----- Forwarded message from CatholicStudentOutreach
<catholicstudentoutreach at gmail.com> -----
From: CatholicStudentOutreach <catholicstudentoutreach at gmail.com>
Subject: CSO: Vatican II - Lumen Gentium
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 01:24:19 -0400

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

This week we will be discussing some sections of one of the major
documents (the primary focus of the Second Vatican Council) "Lumen
Gentium" - The Dogmatic Constitution of the Church. This may sound
boring to you, but seriously, when has a CSO meeting been boring?
Trust me, it's interesting!!

The rest of the quarter we will also be focusing on other Second
Vatican Council documents as well and actually reading what they had
to say and not what people said that they say.

We will be meeting in the basement of St. Paul's Church on today
(4/23) at 6:30pm.

May the Most Merciful Lord bless you always!

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