[MWERA] Community-Engaged Teacher Preparation Summer Institute

MWERA List mwera at listserv.ohio.edu
Tue Feb 6 15:26:51 EST 2018

Registration is now open for the Summer Institute on Community-Engaged Teacher Preparation!

Join us and our community partners May 16th-18th, 2018 as we share a model that is showing great promise in the preparation of culturally responsive teachers, and which is evidencing impact on P-5 student learning, family engagement, and community mobilization efforts.

Please forward to others who might be interested, and let me know if you have questions.

I hope to see you this summer!


Susan M. Tancock, Ph.D.
Professor & Assistant Chair
Co-Director of the Alliance for Community-Engaged Teacher Preparation
Department of Elementary Education
Ball State University
stancock at bsu.edu
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