[Mathregionals] FW: Workshop Announcement
Eisworth, Todd
eisworth at ohio.edu
Tue Jan 21 21:28:16 EST 2020
Hi all,
Forwarding this in case there is interest.
From: Irina Holmes <irinaholmes at math.tamu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2020 6:07 PM
To: Eisworth, Todd <eisworth at ohio.edu>
Subject: Workshop Announcement
Dear Prof. Eisworth,
I would be grateful if you could forward this announcement of a summer workshop to the faculty, graduate students and postdocs in your department.
Best regards,
Irina Holmes
Announcement: Summer Concentration Week (Part of SUMIRFAS)
When: August 3-7, 2020
Where: Texas A&M University, College Station TX
What: “Bellman Function Methods for the Hypercube”
Website: https://www.math.tamu.edu/~irinaholmes/CW2020/CW2020.html
Organizers: Irina Holmes (TAMU) and Sasha Volberg (MSU)
Description: This workshop is aimed at graduate students and postdocs in analysis, probability and related fields. The topic is a new approach to functional and isoperimetric inequalities on the Hamming cube, aka the hypercube. Boolean functions defined on the hypercube are fundamental objects of study to many applied fields, from circuit design and cryptography to social choice theory. Very surprising recent works solve problems on the hypercube using a method from harmonic analysis and probability, called the Bellman function method. The goal will be to introduce the main tools, current results and open problems in this area by a series of minicourses by Sasha Volberg, Paata Ivanisvili, and Irina Holmes.
No specific knowledge on these topics is expected, only a standard graduate background in analysis and probability. Our junior participants will be encouraged to share their own research (current, in progress or completed) in afternoon sessions of 30 minute talks.
Caution about funding: We are not able to fund travel for any participant, but the housing will be provided by the conference. Therefore all participants are encouraged to seek travel funding from their home institutions.
For more details and Registration, please visit the website linked above. If you decide to join us, please fill out the Registration form.
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