[Mathregionals] Reminder: Spring Colloquium Talks
Lin, Wei
linw at ohio.edu
Fri Feb 28 15:33:23 EST 2020
Always forget the attachment. Here it goes.
From: Math-faculty <math-faculty-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu> on behalf of Lin, Wei <linw at ohio.edu>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 3:31 PM
To: math-faculty at listserv.ohio.edu <math-faculty at listserv.ohio.edu>; math-group2 at listserv.ohio.edu <math-group2 at listserv.ohio.edu>; Mathregionals at listserv.ohio.edu <Mathregionals at listserv.ohio.edu>
Cc: Winfried Just <mathjust at gmail.com>
Subject: [Math-faculty] Reminder: Spring Colloquium Talks
Dear all,
This is a friendly reminder that we will have our first colloquium talk on Monday, March 2, at 3-4pm, in Room 322, Morton Hall, Athens. The speaker is Dr. Yehong Shao and the abstract is attached. We're trying to set up a Zoom link so that regional faculty or faculty on travel can join remotely. Once it's successfully set up (finger-crossed), another email with the link will be sent out. Due to budget policy, a minimal refreshment will be provided (really sorry for this). However, if anyone would like to join the dinner after the talk, please let Vinny or me know.
Our next talk will be given jointly by Dr. Zijian Diao and Dr. John Prather (thank you Zijian for the correction, and sorry John for leaving you out last time :) on March 23 at 4--5pm in the same room. A reminder will be sent out again shortly before the talk.
Have a nice weekend!
From: Lin, Wei
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 10:00 AM
To: math-faculty at listserv.ohio.edu <math-faculty at listserv.ohio.edu>; math-group2 at listserv.ohio.edu <math-group2 at listserv.ohio.edu>; Mathregionals at listserv.ohio.edu <Mathregionals at listserv.ohio.edu>
Cc: Eisworth, Todd <eisworth at ohio.edu>; Winfried Just <mathjust at gmail.com>
Subject: Spring Colloquium Talks
Dear all,
At the suggestion of Todd E. and Vinny, we are planning a spring (and possibly for the coming Fall as well) colloquium series in Athens. The idea is to have more opportunities for math faculty from all groups and all campuses to gather together, share and discuss research and other topics of common interest, and to get to know each other better. If you could give a talk this Spring or this coming Fall, or if you have any suggestions or ideas, please let me or Vinny know.
Dr. Yehong Shao and Dr. Zijian Diao have kindly agreed to give talks (one on Monday, March 2, at 3p.m. and the other on Monday, March 23 at 4:00 pm). The details of their talks are given below. A reminder and the room of the colloquium will be sent out before the talks.
Thank you.
Speaker: Dr. Yehong Shao
Date and time: Monday, March 2, at 3p.m.
Location: Athens campus, Morton Hall
Room: TBA.
Title: Hamiltonian Properties in Line Graphs and Iterated Line Graphs
Abstract: attached
Speaker: Dr. Zijian Diao
Date and time: 4:00 pm on March 23.
Location: Athens campus, Morton Hall
Room: TBA.
Title: A tale of three systems (or What MATH 2120 could have been)
Abstract: Non-decimal place value systems, such as binary systems, have been introduced and studied
in many college-level courses in mathematics and computer science, but rarely is this subject front and
center of a math education course. We propose an unconventional course that immerses students in
non-decimal thinking by focusing on three different number systems: senary, factoradic, and base-infinity.
This course will instill in students a deeper understanding of various concepts in elementary mathematics
such as place values, standard algorithms in arithmetic, divisibility tests, prime factorization, and irrationality.
It can serve as a continuation of the entry-level mathematical education course on basic arithmetic
and number systems, while elevating these topics to a notch below the undergraduate number theory course.
Because of the unusual subject matters under study, this course is also well-suited for nonstandard
pedagogical methods such as discovery-based and inquiry-based learning.
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