[Mathregionals] On-line Course Development

Eisworth, Todd eisworth at ohio.edu
Wed Jul 31 12:29:03 EDT 2019

Hi all,

Following up on some things discussed at the end of last semester as we get ready for the Fall.

There is a need for us to step up and try to meet demand for on-line offerings.  This not only supports various initiatives around the university looking at expanding enrollment, it also helps address the practical problem that other entities and organizations outside of Ohio University are quite willing to do this if we are not and thus we lose say in quality.  As John Gilliom discussed at our last faculty meeting,  there are also financial reasons for doing this as new revenue generation can be used to offset the tremendous budget cuts the college just absorbed.

Right now, there are three natural places to focus:

(1)    Summer School Offerings  (Not just through Calculus, but 3000 level courses as well)

(2)    Graduate Program for Teacher Certification (Longer term project, but could build off work we do for (1))

(3)    E-Campus (primarily lower division courses in support of adult learners.  There are resources we can tap to get extra support for such students, and this is a place where we can expect expansion.)

I'd be happy to hear other ideas as well, but the above seemed a reasonable place to begin.  There may be some professional development money to work on such projects.

What I need from you all is an indication of interest.  If you want to work on a specific aspect of this, please let me know so I can work on getting things organized as we return for Fall.

Again, it is important that we take some initiative here given the pressure the university will be under over the next few years.



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