[Mathregionals] RHE Taskforce Report

Eisworth, Todd eisworth at ohio.edu
Thu Nov 8 16:07:40 EST 2018

Hi all,

I wanted to make sure we all take a look at the recently released recommendations of OHIO's Regional Higher Education Study Committee (report attached),
and President Nellis's comments which were sent out yesterday:


One of the major recommendations is

"Faculty across the system should be united by discipline within departments that have system-wide
reach and responsibility",

and as President Nellis states:

"Our next step, collectively as an institution, is for us to determine the pathway forward for implementing these bold recommendations and to begin our work to unite - both structurally and culturally - as one University. "

This is a big project, for sure, as it touches on everything from course scheduling to P&T.
I don't know exactly what is envisioned, but we'll work on it and figure it out together.



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