[Itech] Fwd: Call for Proposals - MSU Education Technology Conference

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Wed Aug 12 17:27:40 EDT 2015

Hi Graduates,

See the note below from Mark Riley about a conference at MSU!  Might be a
good time to present!

Dr. Franklin

*"A teacher affects eternity; [she]he can never tell where the influence
stops." - Henry Adams*Dr. Teresa Franklin
Professor Emerita, Educational Studies-Instructional Technology
Fulbright Research Scholar to Turkey 2013-14
Department of Educational Studies
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701
740-541-8847 (cell)
also: franklinteresa at gmail.com

*~~~~~~Ohio University -- The best student-centered learning *experience in

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Riley, Mark <rileym1 at ohio.edu>
Date: Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 10:59 AM
Subject: Call for Proposals - MSU Education Technology Conference
To: "Nyarko-Krampah, Paa" <nyarko at ohio.edu>, "Hess, Larry" <hessl at ohio.edu>,
"Thankachan, Briju" <thankach at ohio.edu>, "Antwi, Samuel" <sa530111 at ohio.edu>,
"Hilterbran, Audra" <hilterbr at ohio.edu>
Cc: "Franklin, Teresa" <franklit at ohio.edu>

Hi All,

Someone sent me this info on Twitter. See below.


Call for proposals at Michigan State Annual Education Technology Conference.

Conference attendance is FREE!

For more info:


Link to submission form.


[image: singleline_1]

*College of Health Sciences and Professions*
*Mark D. Riley, M.Ed. ’07, Y.S. 7*
Technology Coordinator

Grover Center E211A
1 Ohio University
Athens OH 45701-2979
T: 740.597.3207

rileym1 at ohio.edu
www.ohio.edu • www.ohio.edu/people/rileym1
Follow my personal Twitter account at @BestTechGuyEver

The best student-centered learning experience in America
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