[Itech] Fwd: Chronicle Job Alert: Instructional technology/design

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Thu Jul 11 17:03:14 EDT 2013

FYI...Dr. Franklin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *The Chronicle of Higher Education*
Date: Thursday, July 11, 2013
Subject: Chronicle Job Alert: Instructional technology/design
To: FRANKLIT at ohio.edu

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Instructional Technologist & Course Systems
Christopher Newport University (Virginia)
(date posted: 07/10/2013)

Instructional Designer<http://chronicle.com/jobs/0000786594-01/?cid=ja&utm_source=ja&utm_medium=en>
Hodges University (Florida)
(date posted: 07/10/2013)

Lead Classroom Technology
University of West Florida - UWF (Florida)
(date posted: 07/08/2013)

Head, Scholars' Lab Graduate
(date posted: 07/05/2013)

University of Florida (Florida)
(date posted: 07/04/2013)

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Sent from my iPad mini...sorry for any spelling errors.
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