[Itech] Fwd: [gls] FW: [ldtnetwork] Job Opportunities - NYC edtech startup

Seann Dikkers sdikkers at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 10:24:41 EDT 2013

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Josh Sheldon <jsheldon at MIT.EDU>
> Date: April 12, 2013, 10:19:38 AM EDT
> To: "gls at lists.wisc.edu" <gls at lists.wisc.edu>
> Subject: [gls] FW: [ldtnetwork] Job Opportunities - NYC edtech startup
> Hi Folks,
> just in case anyone there is looking for employment in NYC…
> ================
> Josh Sheldon
> Project Manager
> MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program
> MIT Center for Mobile Learning
> 20 Ames St., Bldg E15-309
> Cambridge, MA 02139
> cell: 617-671-5491
> work: 617-715-4051
> From: Sara Petry <zen.tangerine at gmail.com>
> Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013 9:55 PM
> To: "ldtnetwork at mailman.stanford.edu" <ldtnetwork at mailman.stanford.edu>
> Subject: [ldtnetwork] Job Opportunities - NYC edtech startup
> Hey LDTers!
> I wanted to drop a line because I've recently joined the founding team at a company called LearnerX in NYC.  We're an edtech innovation studio, focused on designing learning experiences around a variety of lifelong learning problems.  We are just ramping up the team now to develop our first product and are looking to make some great hires.
> I wanted to reach out to all of you in the case you are a, or know any, designers/developers/business development folks looking for an opportunity like this on the east coast.  I would be really grateful if you could spread the word and/or reach out to me if you're interested.  My work email address is sara at learnerx.com and the current list of openings is here - http://www.learnerx.com/jobs/.
> Thanks guys!
> ~Sara Petry, LDT '08
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