[Itech] Fwd: Communicator.21 - October 2012

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Tue Oct 2 09:49:55 EDT 2012


Part of being a scholar is reading the many opinion and scholarly works to
reflect on the impact on society.  Here is one that should be on your
reading list.

Dr. Franklin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Partnership for 21st Century Skills <vklein at p21.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 8:33 AM
Subject: Communicator.21 - October 2012
To: franklit at ohio.edu

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P21 e-Newsletter - October 2012

[image: Color Bar]
     *In This Issue:* The Nation's Report Card Releases
P21: Why Civic Education Has to be More Than "Good
Integration for Deeper Learning in Middle
Who Code Graduates First-Ever Class
Mobile Maker Lab Hits the Road To Find High
Based Learning: Kinect in the Classroom <#13a21aeb427b1abe_LETTER.BLOCK37>ASAP
Exemplars Project <#13a21aeb427b1abe_LETTER.BLOCK52>Spark Curiosity in the
Classroom <#13a21aeb427b1abe_LETTER.BLOCK22>After-School a Prime Time to
Provide Arts Instruction <#13a21aeb427b1abe_LETTER.BLOCK23>Learning as
Freedom <#13a21aeb427b1abe_LETTER.BLOCK26>Strong School Leader Key to
Solving Digital Age Educational
Challenges<#13a21aeb427b1abe_LETTER.BLOCK53> Take
The Follett Challenge And Win For Your School District

How is your school or district preparing students for the demands of the
21st century? The Follett Challenge is looking to reward top-notch K-12
educators in public and private schools in the U.S. and Canada who are
aligning their curriculum to teach 21st century learning skills

The entry period is open now and runs through Jan. 4, 2013. Applicants are
asked to submit a three- to five-minute video, as well as provide an
overview of the program and how it has impacted student advancement with
21st century skills.
Find out more here!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Xn3SvjPTvAVcsX224hZDlU8MookzKUDpj435eT5isxwzlVqott1ZWPbiQr3dhLiiQzV2YbAVHuXvC1meAupGlTt0sdwV7aokB7uLtnNz5MO5cA6JmE1fCb816wSWftNloZf6G9rgY_FjgISeb8494ajZSt7m9op7syBqOWP517mjMU7wDe-JhgGtCFdJEkgLnaej4kH2CG_BlU3F3348YUTzvZ-P0rvUQlsuyyaSC0Oxpsal0bOXYzuzTuMaJQBY>
*Caine's Arcade Day of Play Cardboard
October 6, 2012

The Imagination Foundation is launching the first ever Global Cardboard
Challenge, inviting the world to play while raising funds to foster
creativity and entrepreneurship in kids.  On October 6th (the one-year
anniversary of the flashmob that came out to make Caine's day) friends,
family, co-workers and community members can come out to play at local
events, celebrating the creativity and imagination of kids around the world.

*Find an event near you!

  *Congratulations to EF Education on breaking ground on their new North
American Headquarters!
 *Nominate an educator for the National Online Teacher of the Year

 The nomination period is now open for iNACOL and Southern Regional
Education Board's (SREB) National Teacher of the Year Award and remains
open until October 8. This annual showcase is an opportunity to highlight
great talent in educating students in online programs. To nominate a
teacher, please click

  *P21 Speakers Bureau *
 *Bring P21 to your organization's next conference/event!<tvarshavsky at p21.org?>

The P21 Speakers
over twenty experienced speakers all over the country. Help us connect
and promote 21st century learning.
*[image: P21 Logo Horiz

Are you on twitter?

Connect with P21<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Xn3SvjPTvAUKX3zhNpN6FX6Hlqgjm23j6VQB5JC-Vg-JUKfNSbtRuTuZ9hBsdh1yKYeNh6a1MaxAukMCKBPBW1AyBCBS1HODdNz8wKolW01Z_GfU7RTq2zqsS2nYO9JdVMj8AYEUGyw=>
to get the latest 4C's related news and P21 updates!

[image: Follow me on

 *P21 wants to hear from YOU:*
[image: Contact] <tvarshavsky at p21.org?subject=Sharing+with+P21>
Visit a cutting edge 21st century program recently? A best practices 21st
Century school? Flex your collaboration muscle and let P21
know<tvarshavsky at p21.org>

Greetings! :

Welcome to the the October edition of Communicator.21!

We have a lot of exciting things to share, including the new members of the
P21 Board.

* *

We have a lot of exciting things to share this month.

P21 welcomes our 2013 Officers. Read our official release

P21 Communications:

   - Op-ed by Lillian Kellogg and Michelle Herczog featured on Philly.com What
   Citizenship Means for the 21st

Here's the latest on the P21 blog:

   - Happy 10th Anniversary
   post by Ken Kay
   - What's Working? Lessons from pioneer 21st Century Districts- Part
   Part 2<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Xn3SvjPTvAWNk1OT7dSPuB_evMSZiccBQVerfSIyTbIoWg0tNyV-YBppEtcZH_MoPLhaRJ49dV1tVarPctWths7rDv70YK_MBlGwGzcLl6YF-AWy-52w_R-JLJMQtSKLE8lzWv4j3k7e0oPLEd1pWrgkbM4Ym6iqsCQo8VWz-AUIVzw-HIpkMieMiWvdSuiXa2-ZoN9oLxJq6wttB-GCDNT0nhDN0AWnTyIZHBDr4Dw71TiXEhOUHztboyGe7GTdhvsuQ5UxezXvwi0RmLzavu_12x-A95bq11lfzgZRjMKAe_VhInl4fQ2d0ic24lUl>

Want P21 to speak at your next education event? Look up our P21 Speakers
We'd love to hear from you!

 The Nation's Report Card Releases Results From an Innovative, Interactive
Computer-Based Writing

WASHINGTON (Sept. 14, 2012) - For the first time in its history, the
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has used computers to
assess students' writing, with national samples of 8th- and 12th-grade
students. Results from NAEP-also known as The Nation's Report Card-showed
that more than 75 percent of students at grades 8 and 12 performed at or
above the Basic achievement level, meaning that they have at least partial
mastery of the knowledge and skills needed to communicate clearly in
writing. But only about a quarter of the 8th and 12th graders wrote at or
above the Proficient level, which means they demonstrate solid academic
Keep reading<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Xn3SvjPTvAXPy3hACjckezEAr3fcRQg0hp8QsOteScd0puRu6XMI1g5sxVInnaOOLwP8OdR_MA47vJmqfCW64zR98BgJsEfNNmD7sA0FRVM7C8R34L0cNMpQltgbxx8gnaN_LGzjD7mOERkuZR3UTMcXySazLYQrbOn6_BCx2X_wX0LG8aFXp5gA_u7Q2Koy9L57U_BiWp5iKnth86Xtn08GdPFR3U_lORwKz8hielPyb6Otl1-r-YULL70VW-HBbnQyG6iA8XKrEkl7YkOaRPvWeOI37JRuvgp0ZrNqHPM=>

 Featuring P21: Why Civic Education Has to be More Than "Good

There is a lot of recent talk about democratic engagement and civic
learning in higher education. I am a teacher and a civic engagement
practitioner, so most of my time is devoted to these efforts. When I think
back to conversations I've had about my work, people regularly comment,
"that's good stuff!" Although this is meant to be a compliment, it
represents a common problem civic educators face. Keep

Arts Integration for Deeper Learning in Middle

Learn more about Bates Middle School and the "Social and Emotional Benefits
of Being Weirdly Creative"

Girls Who Code Graduates First-Ever


The future rests in the hands of students. We all

know that. But not everyone has the same opportunities to prepare for the
tech-crazed economy of the future.

That's where Girls Who Code comes in. The New York City-based

nonprofit just graduated its first-ever class of 20 girls (b

etween the ages of 13 and 17). The organization helps teen girls from
low-income backgrounds get the skills they need for the jobs they want in
the future. Plus they're closing the computer science gender gap. Keep

Thinkering: Mobile Maker Lab Hits the Road To Find High


While budget cuts leave schools struggling to fill cla


ms with bare essentials-includingpaper and ink-it's a challenge for many
teachers to bring creative activities into the classroom. To fill this
void, in zooms SparkTruck, a DIY modern crafters' fantasy on wheels. This
educational build-mobile arrives filled with an arsenal of paints,
cardboard, adhesive googly eyes, craft feathers, glue guns, sewing
machines, 3D printers, and even a laser cutter. The SparkTruck is touring
schools across the country, on a mission to put the spotlight on hands-on
learning. Keep reading<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Xn3SvjPTvAWw-EW_zCegiZ717EyXyCSe4PznwN6Sw40ywo-QlHBF_Vl_FTraDTz10N8Y6jqF8DmQypotLFo-jW9eKQvRbUq_EH6rkjXXYvoGISr76qb_qUEWnhyjBdPHkFmIXnYDoiq9poYX1VyZ51_Gw9bpoCwfkC-MhoQGOvURU-EAFyGI6CKgxB9e4m-ZhCKXpS3z4NoHrNFYd_9V62f5yOhPgX_4atHUgGMNbIYBPyNYOrDR0Puhmf8La4cvspKcsfoW-ngjoVRiZu_FJWh2cGgUaK2sSAgOr55Qs4VYFfEn1C9hCP2BOJIEGuxGWOghJ6IRQTE=>

Game Based Learning: Kinect in the


One of the most interesting ways game-based learning (GBL) is being
implemented is with the use of Microsoft's Kinect. Kinect specifically is
an accessory to the Xbox 360, where motion and gestures control game
functions. From sports games, to "hack and slash," the Kinect physically
involves the player in gameplay. But why use it in the classroom? And how
should you use it in the classroom? Today I present not only a great
rationale for use the Kinect in the classroom, but also some specific ideas
and resources for doing so. Keep reading
   ASAP Exemplars

The York/Seneca Institute for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
(YSIMSTE) is a partnership of York University and Seneca College of Applied
Arts and Technology dedicated to the support of education in mathematics,
science and technology through initiatives in teaching, curriculum,
outreach and applied research and development.

In 1999, the Assessment of Science and Technology Achievement Project
(ASAP), a partnership of a number of Ontario district school boards and
YSISTE invited teachers to participate in the development of assessment
materials to assist teachers in the assessment of the expectations in the
new curriculum released in 1998 for Grades 1-8.

The new curriculum is more specific than previous practice with respect to
both the knowledge and the skills that students are expected to develop and
demonstrate in each grade. Further, the subject areas of science and
technology are now combined. Some of the expectations focus on science and
the inquiry process skill, some on technology and the design process skill,
while others deal with relating science and technology to each other and to
the world outside the school. Keep

Spark curiosity in the


Discovery Education and Intel have teamed up to create Curiosity in the
Classroom, a website designed to bring teachers, students and families on a
journey through life's biggest questions.

Explore here!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Xn3SvjPTvAXhmeaE-fty0AhwdpnbpKHRHzWXbnrjdzxjplQxg9dz4-jmgFw-l9UjoVitJUAcdnC8IWW3qznFjFarI-Vzk5dNBARUFDD9n3KXONaz7E2UoJLw_nmplYQiSweLLn2ylgf4nwXrOf4Se303dS9fC_FjGMIK44APsl9_yrykmyMQ3r63bgHGawEVZK87emTyDJqwYvhM-5b0N_tVf9DJpAJ93xDRI-gFo3Rpd57NYPUNRatgUXRgQwV7K18IoV_-Kes=>

After-School a Prime Time to Provide Arts

After-school programs provide a prime setting for the arts instruction that
many schools have cut, reports the latest in a set of issue briefs released
by the Afterschool Alliance.

"Arts Enrichment in Afterschool," is one of four briefs, supported with
funding from the MetLife Foundation, targeting issues that impact middle
school students and how after-school programs may address them.

According to the most recent brief, due to limited financial resources and
pressure to meet testing standards, schools have been prone to cut arts
instruction. Drama and dance classes, in particular, have been scaled back,
the brief reports, with schools with high percentages of minority and low
income students reducing these classes more than others. Keep

 OPINION: Learning as

In March, a task force organized by the Council on Foreign Relations tried
to reframe the problems of the nation's public schools as a threat to
national security. "Large, undereducated swaths of the population damage
the ability of the United States to physically defend itself, protect its
secure information, conduct diplomacy, and grow its economy," it warned,
while also referring to students as "human capital."

While the report focused on K-12 education and called for better college
preparedness, its instrumentalist rhetoric has remarkable affinities with
that of critics who see higher education as outmoded. Conservative scholars
like Charles Murray, Richard Vedder and Peter W. Wood ask why people
destined for low-paying jobs should bother to pursue their education beyond
high school, much less study philosophy, literature and history. The
venture capitalist Peter Thiel has offered money to would-be entrepreneurs
to quit college and focus on Web-based start-ups instead. Business school
professors likeClayton M. Christensen tell us that "disruptive innovation"
is causing liberal-arts learning to be "disintermediated" so as to deliver
just what the "end user" needs. Keep
  OPINION: Strong School Leaders Key to Solving Digital Age Educational

As I begin my new role as ISTE CEO and we plan for our first ISTE
Leadership Forumnext month in Indianapolis, the concept of "leadership" is
top of mind for me. When thinking about the challenges facing schools
today, it's clear that the demand for transformative education leadership
is unprecedented.

School leaders recognize this better than anyone. As they face escalating
demands for accountability, the rise in mobile-learning technologies,
shrinking resources, implementation of Common Core Standards, the balancing
of instruction and assessment - the list is seemingly endless - leaders are
grappling with identifying pragmatic solutions to these digital age

Meeting these challenges requires two things: strong leadership and
collaborative problem solving. And while technology itself is not a
panacea, when used effectively it can provide powerful tools for addressing
myriad challenges facing schools today. Keep
      Help make the next edition of *Communicator.21 *even better!  Send
your contributions and feedback to vklein at p21.org . Thanks for reading!

*Warm regards,*

Victoria Klein
Partnership for 21st Century Skills
   Share P21 with a

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Partnership for 21st Century Skills | 1 Massachusetts Avenue NW | Suite 700|
Washington | DC | 20001

*~~~~~~The best student-centered learning *experience in America~~~~

Dr. Teresa Franklin
Professor, Instructional Technology
Instructional Technology Program Coordinator
313D McCracken Hall
Dept. Educational Studies
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701
740-593-4561 (office)
740-541-8847 (cell)
740-593-0477 (fax)
also: franklinteresa at gmail.com

"A teacher affects eternity; [she]he can never tell where the influence
stops." - Henry Adams


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