[Itech] Fwd: FW: Future of Media conference

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Fri Aug 26 15:50:36 EDT 2011


This may be of interest to you!


*Subject:* Future of Media conference

Greetings Friends,

I am writing to tell you about an exciting conference Scripps College is
hosting on Wednesday, September 7, called Creating the Future:  Managing
Media in the Digital Age.  Can you help me get the word out to interested
faculty and students in your own colleges and centers?  I hope a few of you
will be personally interested and join us as well.

The conference will bring an impressive list of industry leaders and
academics to campus for a day of discussion about managing and leading the
changes in media industries and communication professions.  Speakers include
Richard Boehne, President and CEO of E. W. Scripps, Nita Rollins, futurist
with Resource Interactive, Mark Weaver, founder, Communications Counsel, and
other leaders from print, broadcasting, and new media industries, as well as
prominent media economics scholars from several universities.  The planning
committee of Scripps College faculty members was led by Hugh Martin and
included Stan Alost, Roger Cooper, John Hoag, Carolyn Lewis, and Greg

I will attach the conference announcement and paste it below as well.  Check
out the conference web page, here:

Please do pass this announcement along to any interested students and
colleagues, and please register to join us yourself if you are interested.

Thank you, and cheers,


Eric W. Rothenbuhler

Associate Dean

Scripps College of Communication

740.593.9860 voice

740.593.0459 fax

rothenbu at ohio.edu

The Scripps College of
business people, scholars, and interested students to a Sept. 7 conference
on the challenges and opportunities for firms operating in fast-moving media

Richard A. Boehne, president and chief executive officer of The E.W. Scripps
Company, will be the keynote speaker for Creating the Future: Managing Media
in the Digital Age.  He will be joined by top executives from media firms in
Ohio and West Virginia and leading scholars from four universities.

To register or get more information, please visit our conference website:


Partial list of speakers:

Richard A. Boehne, president and chief executive officer, The E.W. Scripps
Company <http://scripps.com/>.

Margaret Buchanan, president and publisher, Cincinnati

Bev Bethge, senior partner, founder/chief creative officer,

Bray Cary, president and chief executive officer, West Virginia

David E. Dix, publisher, Kent-Ravenna Record Courier <http://recordpub.com/>

Lynn Gellermann, executive director, TechGROWTH
managing partner, Adena Ventures <http://adenaventures.com/>

Anne Hoag, associate professor in the Department of Telecommunications,
College of Communications,<http://comm.psu.edu/departments/department-of-telecommunications>
State University

C. AnnHollifield, Telecommunications Department head, Grady College of
Journalism and Mass Communication, The University of Georgia

Stephen Lacy, associate dean for graduate studies, College of Communication
Arts and Sciences, <http://cas.msu.edu/> Michigan State University

Phil Pikelny, vice president Dispatch Digital <http://www.dispatch.com/> and
chief marketing officer The Dispatch Printing Co., Columbus

Nita Rollins, Ph.D., futurist, Resource Interactive<http://www.resource.com/>

Scott Titsworth, interim dean, Scripps College of
Ohio University.

Mark R. Weaver, founder, Communications Counsel,

Steve Wildman, James H. Quello professor of telecommunication studies, College
of Communication Arts and Sciences <http://cas.msu.edu/>, Michigan State

JosephZerbey, The Toledo Blade <http://www.toledoblade.com/>

Questions? Contact

Hugh J. Martin, Ph.D.

E.W. Scripps School of Journalism


e-mail: martinh1 at ohio.edu

Planning committee:

Hugh J. Martin, Chair, Journalism

Stan Alost, Visual Communication

Roger Cooper, Media Arts and Studies

John Hoag, Information and Telecommunication Systems

Carolyn Lewis, Communication Studies and Media Arts and Studies

Greg Newton, Media Arts and Studies


Dr. Teresa Franklin
Professor, Instructional Technology
Instructional Technology Program Coordinator
Dept. Educational Studies
Gladys W. & David H. Patton College of Education and Human Services
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701
740-593-4561 (office)
740-593-0477 (fax)
also: franklinteresa at gmail.com
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