[Itech] Fwd: Student Help -- IT student needed to do Flash

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Mon Jan 11 13:26:06 EST 2010

Hello Graduates,

Heather Anerino is looking for an IT graduate student that knows Flash and
would like to make some money!  :)

Contact her using the email below if you are interested.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Heather Anerino <anerino at ohio.edu>
Date: Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 1:09 PM
Subject: Student Help
To: David Moore <moored3 at ohio.edu>, Teresa Franklin <franklit at ohio.edu>


I was hoping that one of you would know of a student experienced in Flash
that we could hire to update the electronic board. Please let me know when
you get a chance, and thanks for your help!



Director of Public Affairs

College of Education

McCracken Hall, 119E

Ohio University

Athens, OH 45701

e-mail: anerino at ohio.edu

office phone: 740-597-3227

cell phone: 740-590-6548

We prepare* leader-educators* *and practitioners* who share our commitment
to *lifelong learning* and serving society responsibly as *change agents* in
meeting *diverse* human/social needs.*
- Ohio University Unit for the Preparation of Education Professionals


Dr. Teresa Franklin
Associate Professor
Instructional Technology
Educational Studies Dept.
313D McCracken Hall
College of Education
Ohio University
PH: 740-593-4561
Fax: 740-593-0477
franklit at ohio.edu
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