[Itech] Fwd: Two Opportunities at Arizona State

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Sun Feb 21 16:05:59 EST 2010

FYI -- Dr. Franklin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: faith connolly <faithconnolly at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 1:32 PM
Subject: Two Opportunities at Arizona State
To: AERA_DIVISION_H-ANNOUNCE at listserv.aera.net

Arizona State University – The College of Teacher Education & Leadership
invites applications for:

1) *Director* - Teacher Preparation Research and Evaluation Project

  - Project Overview: Arizona State University, Northern Arizona
  University, and the University of Arizona, in conjunction with school,
  state, and business partners, and with support from the Arizona Community
  Foundation (ACF), are developing an assessment model by which the
  effectiveness of teachers prepared by ASU, NAU, and the UA can be
  meaningfully assessed. The model will be used for formative assessment,
  providing ongoing feedback to teacher preparation programs, teachers,
  schools, and state policy makers. Although the project was initiated by
  three state public universities, the successful candidate will work within
  ASU and in collaboration with the other teacher preparation institutions
  across the state, including community colleges and private institutions.
  - Position Description: Reporting to the Co-Principal Investigators, the
  successful candidate will (1) manage research and evaluation projects; (2)
  oversee graduate students who will collect and analyze data; (3) work with
  CTEL faculty who will help conduct research and evaluation projects; (4)
  work with the T-PREP Steering Committee in support of projects; and (6)
  assist with maintaining and disseminating information on the T-PREP

2) *Director and Post-Doctoral Fellow* - Partnership Office for Research on
Teaching, Assessment, and Learning (PORTAL).

  - Project Overview: In October 2009, CTEL received a $33.8 million grant
  from the U.S. Department of Education Teacher Quality Partnership Grant
  Program to continue to help them (1) restructure their teacher
  certification programs, (2) expand their programs via its Professional
  Development Schools (PDS) initiative, (3) upgrade the professionalism of
  teacher training, (4) upgrade the selection process for future teachers,
  integrate teacher education programs into other colleges at the
  and (6) recruit talented individuals from other colleges to become
  One major component of this grant involves the development of the
  Partnership Office for Research on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning
  (PORTAL). The purpose of PORTAL is two fold: (1) Internal Accountability -
  to hold CTEL accountable for the quality of its programs and the teachers
  graduates by tracking them into the field and measuring their
  years after they enter the profession, and (2) External Accountability -
  hold CTEL accountable for the impact it has on the larger community, which
  will be fostered via research and evaluation partnerships with Arizona
  school districts.
  - Position Description: Reporting to the Co-Principal Investigators, the
  successful candidate will (1) build and oversee partnerships with
  and schools; (2) manage research and evaluation projects; (3) oversee
  graduate students who will collect and analyze data; (4) work with CTEL
  faculty who will help conduct research and evaluations; (5) work with
  internal and external advisory boards in support of projects; and (6)
  with maintaining and disseminating information on the PORTAL website.

For complete qualifications and application information see

The first application deadline is March 1, 2010; if not filled, reviews will
occur weekly thereafter until search is closed.

The College of Teacher Education actively encourages diversity among its
students, faculty, and staff.

Arizona State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action

Please send applications and any questions or comments to Audrey
Amrein-Beardsley at audrey.beardsley at asu.edu.

An American Educational Research Association List

If you need assistance with this list, please send an email to
listadmin at aera.net.


Dr. Teresa Franklin
Associate Professor
Instructional Technology
Educational Studies Dept.
313D McCracken Hall
College of Education
Ohio University
PH: 740-593-4561
Fax: 740-593-0477
franklit at ohio.edu
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