[Itech] Congrats to Dr. Li-Wei Peng

Franklin, Teresa franklit at ohio.edu
Tue Aug 17 16:29:00 EDT 2010

Hello Graduates,

I wanted to pass on the great news that Li-Wei Peng has accepted a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Professional Education, College of Education, West Liberity University, WVA.

Please send her your good wishes at liwei0815 at gmail.com<mailto:liwei0815 at gmail.com>!


“The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.” - Linus Pauling

Dr. Teresa Franklin

Professor, Instructional Technology
Instructional Technology Program Coordinator
Dept. Educational Studies
Gladys W. & David H. Patton College of Education and Human Services
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701
740-593-4561 (office)
740-593-0477 (fax)
also: franklinteresa at gmail.com<mailto:franklinteresa at gmail.com>
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