[Itech] Fwd: Fw: Position Opening South Berkshire Educational Collaborative , Massachusetts

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Fri Nov 6 11:46:13 EST 2009


A second position open at the same institution.

Dr. Franklin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Theresa Austin <taustin at educ.umass.edu>
Date: Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Position Opening South Berkshire Educational Collaborative
, Massachusetts
To: AERA_DIVISION_C-ANNOUNCE at listserv.aera.net

> Please forward to anyone who might be interested.
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Peter Kopcha <pkopcha at educationalcollaborative.org>
> *
> *
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 04, 2009 8:49 AM
> *Subject:* Position Opening
>  Here is both the Vacancy Notice and the full Position Description for the
> Data/Program Evaluation Specialist position opening that we have
> Thank you for sharing this with the appropriate faculty in your
> Should they have any questions regarding the position please have them
> contact me via e-mail or phone as identified below. Again, thank you for
> your assistance.
> *Peter Kopcha*
> Executive Director
> South Berkshire Educational Collaborative
> Phone: (413) 528-6263
> Fax: (413) 644-9067
> pkopcha at educationalcollaborative.org
>  *Data/Program Evaluation Specialist*
> *The South Berkshire Educational Collaborative has an immediate opening
> for a Data/Program Evaluation Specialist to provide consulting, technical
> assistance and professional development support to school district staff
> Berkshire County MA in the collection, presentation, analysis and
> appropriate interpretation/use of student performance and other data in
> bringing about curricular/instructional change leading to improved student
> performance. The professional qualifications for the position are 1)
> Degree in Education or a closely aligned field of study, 2) coursework and
> two years experience in the application of statistical/measurement
> and the use of related software packages and/or the conduct of program
> evaluations in the field of education or the social sciences, 3)
> demonstrated experience in the delivery of high quality professional
> development, 4) four years K – 12 classroom teaching experience and an
> understanding of school district cultures highly desired, and 5) knowledge
> of and use of the Massachusetts State Education Data Systems desired.
> of $70 - $75 K dependent on experience with excellent benefits including
> MTRS. Send a letter of application, resume and four (4) professional
> references by Tuesday, December 1, 2009 via mail to Peter Kopcha,
> Director, SBEC, 662 Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington, MA 01230 or via
> e-mail to dflanders at educationalcollaborative.org.*
> *Position Description*
> *Position: *Data/Program Evaluation Specialist
> *Reports to: *Executive Director, South Berkshire Educational
> Collaborative
> *Position Function:*
>    To provide consulting, technical assistance and professional
>    development support to school district staff at all levels in the
>    collection, presentation, analysis and              appropriate
>    interpretation/use of student performance and other data in bringing
>    curricular/instructional change leading to improved student
> *Position Responsibilities:*
>    - Collaborate and coordinate the function of this position with the
>    State funded District & School Assistance Center (DSAC) staff including
>    attendance at weekly coordination meetings.
>    - Develop and maintain a working knowledge at an expert level of 1) all
>    of the State data systems which school districts must provide data to
>    which can be used to display and analyze data and 2) commercial
>    and data analysis packages (e.g. SPSS) which can be used to support the
>    function of the position.
>    - Develop and maintain on an on-going basis a work plan for each
>    priority school district and its priority buildings which is
>    with the services of the DSAC and which has been approved by the
>    Superintendent of the district.
>    - Develop standardized reports from the State data systems and
>    commercial statistical and data analysis packages based upon the needs
>    identified in each of the priority school districts and provide an
>    for the district of the conclusions that can be appropriately
>    from the report(s).
>    - Develop and provide professional development programs and
>    presentations for administrators, teachers, school committee members
and the
>    public at large in understanding the data provided in developed reports
>    how to appropriately interpret the results contained in the report(s).
>    - Develop and provide professional development programs for
>    administrators and teachers on topics related to data analysis, program
>    evaluation, local test development and other related topics that
support the
>    use of data in the improvement of curricular/instructional processes
>    student performance.
>    - Develop, plan and implement program evaluation studies focused on
>    specific programs/services identified by the priority need school
>    - Attend and actively participate in all Massachusetts Department of
>    Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE) identified meetings/trainings
>    the funded Data Analysts.
>    - Develop and maintain effective working relationships with the other
>    DESE funded Data Analysts and develop cross sharing relationships in
>    that work done in other regions can be used to support the Berkshire
>    school districts and the work done in Berkshire County can be shared
>    other Regions.
>    - Carryout all DESE and/or contracted consultant  required evaluation
>    processes to measure the effectiveness of the Specialist position and
>    provide support to the DSAC staff in their carrying out of any required
>    evaluation processes.
>    - Actively participate in a variety of professional development
>    activities which supports the development and maintenance of the skills
>    required to deliver effective, high quality Data/Program Evaluation
>    Specialist services to the school districts of Berkshire County.
> *Professional Qualifications:*
>    - Masters Degree in Education or a closely aligned field of study.
>    - Coursework and two years experience in the application of
>    statistical/ measurement processes, use of statistical analysis
>    packages and/or the conduct of program evaluations in the field of
>    or the social sciences.
>    - Demonstrated experience in the delivery of high quality professional
>    development.
>    - Four (4) years K-12 classroom teaching experience and an
>    understanding of school district cultures highly desired.
>    - Demonstrated knowledge of and use of the Massachusetts State Data
>    Systems desired.
> *Personal Characteristics:*
>    - Demonstrated excellent interpersonal communications, presentation and
>    group facilitation skills.
>    - Demonstrated ability to be an effective, contributing member of a
>    team.
>    - Demonstrated ability to plan, implement and manage multiple
>    priorities effectively.
>    - Demonstrated ability to self-reflect on one’s work and redirect
>    plans, approaches and/or work to develop new competencies based on the
>    self-reflection.
>    - Exhibits an entrepreneurial spirit.

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As a Unit, we prepare leader-educators and practitioners who share in our
commitment to lifelong learning and serving society responsibly as change
agents in meeting diverse human and social needs.

Dr. Teresa Franklin
Associate Professor
Instructional Technology
Educational Studies Dept.
313D McCracken Hall
College of Education
Ohio University
PH: 740-593-4561
Fax: 740-593-0477
franklit at ohio.edu
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