[Itech] Fwd: eSN This Week: ACLU sues over blocked web sites

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Tue May 26 20:53:35 EDT 2009

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From: eSchool News <eschool.news at eschoolnews.com>
Date: Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:47 PM
Subject: eSN This Week: ACLU sues over blocked web sites
To: franklinteresa at gmail.com

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[RSS] <http://www.eschoolnews.com/content-exchange-rss/>   [image: eSN This
Week]  *This Week's Top News, Grants, and Information Resources for Today's
K-20 Educator* *May 26, 2009*
   *Top News ...*   ACLU sues over blocked web
Student on computer]

The American Civil Liberties Union and its Tennessee branch sued two
Tennessee school districts in federal court May 19, claiming that the
districts are unconstitutionally blocking students from accessing online
information about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues. Key
words: ACLU, LGBT, Knox County Schools, Metropolitan Nashville Public
Schools, first amendment, education, technology | Read

  *Grant Alert ...*

Up to $10,000 for after-school meal programs
Great American Bake Sale Grants

Share Our Strength is awarding grants from $1,000 to $10,000 to
organizations that directly sponsor or advocate USDA-reimbursed after-school
and/or summer meal programs for children. Grants will specifically support
efforts to increase participation in the organization's USDA summer and
after-school meal programs. | Full

***Stay up-to-date on all of the latest
grants<http://gm-link.com/tm.asp?c=56928&i=213735&u=>for less than $1
a day. Have them delivered twice monthly via email for easy
accessibility! Read more <http://gm-link.com/tm.asp?c=56928&i=213735&u=>*
  *2009 Free Webinar Series <http://www.eschoolnews.com/webinars>*

*Topic:* *Empowering public education through online

Date: TOMORROW, May 27, 2009 **

Time: *2:00 pm EDT / 11:00 am PST*

Duration: *One hour (15 mins for Q&A)
Space is limited!!!*

 Join Bror Saxberg, Chief Learning Officer of K12, and Curtis Johnson,
co-author of Disrupting Class, as they discuss how technology and online
learning are extending the power of public education. Individualized
learning through online courses can, and will, help districts tackle some of
their toughest problems, including student achievement, graduation rates,
and budget pressures.

[image: Register Now] <http://www.eventbrite.com/event/339148402>

  *Special Reports ...*   Cloud Computing: The Economic
Cloud Computing - The Economic Imperative]

In the same way a utility company delivers electricity, natural gas, or
water--you sign up, then don't have to think about it any more--cloud
computing delivers IT services to the end user. Advocates of this service
model say it's simpler, faster, and cheaper for organizations to
implement--which is why cloud computing is soaring in popularity amid the
gloomy economy. | Read

  School IT support: Overworked...and
School IT support]<http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/top-news/index.cfm?i=56961>

New research suggests overworked and understaffed school IT departments are
spending too much time reacting to technology problems--and not enough time
on training and integration. | Read

  Learning without limits

Zach Bonner is a smart kid, but he's a bit confused to hear that some adults
still assume students in online schools are somehow worse off and spend all
day chained to a computer, never learning to socialize in the real world.
Key words: online learning, K-12 online learning, virtual learning, distance
learning. | Read


  *Week's Top News ...*

New iPod rules touch off heated
A new policy by the University of Missouri School of Journalism requiring
incoming students to have an iPhone, iPod Touch, or similar device has
touched off a heated debate about the limits and possibilities of technology
-- as well as corporate influence -- in academia. Key words: University of
Missouri School of Journalism, iPod, iPhone, Apple, iPod Touch, education,
technology | Read

California considers open digital
In what could be a first-of-its-kind statewide initiative, California
education leaders are working together to compile a list of free, open
digital textbooks that meet state-approved standards and will be available
to high school math and science classes this fall. Key words: open source,
digital textbooks, California education| Read

aims new netbook at younger
Dell Inc., already the largest seller of PCs to schools worldwide, is trying
to extend its lead with its first low-cost "netbook" designed for young
students at a time when schools, businesses, and general consumers are
cutting back on technology spending. Key words: Dell Latitude 2100, handheld
netbook, netbook, education, technology | Read

New device saves money on color
A new Xerox Corp. printer that uses solid-ink technology and a sliding price
scale might be good news for schools and colleges that are trying to cut
costs without taking away from administrative or classroom functions. Key
words: school printers, Xerox ColorQube, solid-ink printer, school
multi-function printers | Read

Duncan outlines school reform
Rewarding effective teaching, expanding the learning time, collecting
meaningful data, and transforming underperforming high schools are the four
key areas the U.S. Department of Education (ED) plans to target in the next
year, Education Secretary Arne Duncan told school stakeholders at the Center
for American Progress's "Resource, Allocation, Reinvestment, and Education
Reform" conference May 18. Key words: Center for American Progress, Arne
Duncan, effective teaching | Read More

Bill would fund internet safety
A New Jersey lawmaker has introduced internet safety legislation that, if
passed, would authorize roughly $175 million--$35 million a year for five
years--for internet safety education and training to help make children,
parents, and educators aware of proper online behavior and the dangers the
internet poses. Key words: internet safety, internet education, sexting,
internet safety funding. | Read More

Scribd opens new market for online texts
Hoping to do for the written word what iTunes did for music, the online
document-sharing service Scribd is opening an internet store that will offer
new sales opportunities for publishers and authors -- including teachers,
professors, and others who have written educational texts -- and could spawn
more bargains for students and other readers. Key words: Scribd, iTunes,
digital publishing, education, technology. | Read More

Higher-ed IT costs continue to rise
Technology spending among colleges and universities has swelled in recent
years, but experts project only minimal increases from 2009-13, according to
a report documenting a wide range of trends in higher education. Key words:
IT spending, Software & Information Industry Association, university trends,
education, technology. | Read More

Report: U.S. students lagging in biosciences
Middle and high school students across the country are generally falling
behind in life sciences, and the nation is at risk of producing a dearth of
qualified workers for the fast-growing bioscience industry, according to a
report released May 18. Key words: bioscience, life science, science
curriculum, education, technology, Biotechnology Institute. | Read More
  *Ed-Tech Partners Press Releases ...*

Samsung Techwin America Awards High School

1 Watt Green Computers Qualify for Valuable Energy

Extron Premieres Professional Surround Sound


SIIA Releases Timely Report on Postsecondary Education

RM Education Announces the Release of RM Easiteach 3.5

Harbinger Unveils Products and Resources to Add Interactivity to

*Special Note to Vendors: Don't forget to submit your press release
information online! *

*Go to

    *Most popular news articles ...*

*1. *Dell aims new netbook at younger students

*2. *Colleges scan Facebook during admissions

*3. *Learning without limits

*4. *California considers open digital textbooks

*5. *Duncan outlines school reform agenda

   *Videos of the Week *


Students from Cypress Bay High School discuss a controversial music program
and NCAA rules. View


At TCEA 2009, representatives from Follett explain how their company helps
schools to better manage their assets and resources to help save time and

View Video<http://www.eschoolnews.tv/Esntv.aspx?Filename=http://hwcdn.net/n4j4y5x8/fms/MN_Bloomington_LearningSymphony_LearningSymphony_145/follett_ac746797-1c0b-492a-bf62-431177be3c75.flv.xml>


Students from Eagan High School in Eagan, Minnesota, discuss CollegeNet and
online gambling. View


At TCEA 2009, a representative from Elmo talks about the company's history
as an optics developer and the many document cameras available for K-12

View Video<http://www.eschoolnews.tv/Esntv.aspx?Filename=http://hwcdn.net/n4j4y5x8/fms/MN_Bloomington_LearningSymphony_LearningSymphony_145/Elmo_1_f2c67736-21d3-4a65-a170-b10ad493e928.flv.xml>

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data-driven intervention to maximize student achievement. Learn more about
RTI and how you can implement it into your classrooms

*Looking to build a cost-effective digital classroom?*
If today's students are to compete in an increasingly global economy,
schools will need much more than textbooks and traditional pencil-and-paper
approaches to succeed. Students need the benefit of technology-rich
classrooms to give them marketable skills that they will use throughout
their professional lives. Click
learn more about building a cost-effective digital classroom on a

*Do you know where the stimulus money is headed? *Obama has allocated over
$100 billion dollars for education. With the influx of federal cash,
however, will come close scrutiny. School leaders will need to spend their
stimulus funds wisely or risk a public backlash that could hinder
educational progress for years to come. Click
learn more.

*Empower education through technology* Technology-based applications such as
PowerPoint, spreadsheets, and desktop and internet publishing software
aren't just relegated to school business departments anymore--they're now
being integrated into core curriculum areas to enhance teaching and
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Dr. Teresa Franklin
Associate Professor
Instructional Technology
Educational Studies Dept.
313D McCracken Hall
College of Education
Ohio University
PH: 740-593-4561
Fax: 740-593-0477
franklit at ohio.edu
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