[Itech] Fwd: Virtual schooling-- the next big thing in education

Teresa Franklin franklit at ohio.edu
Wed May 20 09:24:00 EDT 2009

FYI -- Dr. Franklin

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From: eSchool News <eschool.news at eschoolnews.com>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2009 at 8:09 AM
Subject: Virtual schooling-- the next big thing in education
To: franklinteresa at gmail.com

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[image: eSchool News Presents...]

[image: eSN Special Report: Cloud Computing: The Economic

Online Learning: Changing the nature of schooling

Read this FREE special report and you'll:

   - Discover how online learning is cost-effective

   - Garner information on how it prepares students to survive in the real

   - Discover how online learning has gained more respect over that past ten

   - Find out what laws states are passing to make online learning more

   - Hear input from students who are enrolled in virtual schools

Read this special now at:

Ask people ten years ago and they'd say that they considered online learning
to be less respectable than traditional learning in brick and mortar
buildings. Now, it is a viable option for many students providing them with
the flexibility to learn on their own terms. Susan Patrick, president and
chief executive of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning
(iNACOL) says that the acceptance has grown. "More and more parents and
students are aware that we live in the internet age, and they want access to
educational opportunities, whether they're offered over the internet or

Many people think of online learning and they quickly disregard it since
their children won't have interaction with their peers. However, they're
mistaken. Students interact with teachers and their peers on a daily basis.
They participate in group work and collaboration. Advocates of online
education say that the biggest benefit is that it prepares students for a
world where life is not structured in class periods and adults increasingly
communicate electronically, work remotely, and meet virtually.

Once more parents realize that online learning isn't just a fad, more
virtual schooling programs will emerge across the U.S. ultimately offering
students a different and broader environment to learn in.

Thanks to support from K12 Inc., this special report is available now to all
educators at eSchool News
   *[image: Visit this eSN Special

Find out more about online learning today. Visit our special report
available for FREE now at:

Best regards,
*   -- The Editors of eSchool News*

  *[image: Visit this eSN Special

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Dr. Teresa Franklin
Associate Professor
Instructional Technology
Educational Studies Dept.
313D McCracken Hall
College of Education
Ohio University
PH: 740-593-4561
Fax: 740-593-0477
franklit at ohio.edu
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