[Internationalstudentbookclub] Study: Resilience and Well-being among International Students

Tianhong Yao tyao.louisville at gmail.com
Sat May 6 17:00:06 EDT 2017

Dear International Students,
My name is Tianhong Yao and I am an international doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology program at University of Louisville. I would like to invite you in a research study on the effects of resilience on psychological and academic well-being among international students in the United States. Many past studies have taken a close look at the potential stressors that international students might experience such as language barriers, lack of social connectedness with local students, lack of sense of belonging, acculturative stress and differences in cultural values. However, few studies have explored international students’ strengths and protective factors such as resilience that moderate the effect of stressors on the outcomes that were found in previous studies. Therefore, the current study looks at how resilience plays a role in international students’ experiences in the United States. 

You are eligible to participate in this study if:

a)    You identify yourself as an international student currently studying in the United States 

b)    18 and above 

Your participation would really help us and other students to better understand international students’ experience in the United States. More importantly, your participant could also help universities, institutions, professors and staffs design better curriculums, programs, outreaches and approaches that fit with international students’ experiences.
If you agree to participate in this study, you will be routed to an online survey consisting of several short-to-medium length measures. Total expected completion time is approximately 25-30 minutes. If you choose to participate, please access the survey using the following link: https://louisvilleeducation.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_cvU9dhNH7y0ir6R <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__louisvilleeducation.az1.qualtrics.com_SE_-3FSID-3DSV-5FcvU9dhNH7y0ir6R&d=DwMGaQ&c=imBPVzF25OnBgGmVOlcsiEgHoG1i6YHLR0Sj_gZ4adc&r=U2H2JjHF8q3r0gFPQxdShUBOPB5clwSaojCnPxvCjn0&m=Iy-OLMM2yBjysJ0nj-LxvJu5_39lVd-PK3wKlYkVDtM&s=_S-g64M_ztsX6nftFtMtqZFA358BBMhfeROkTZSi-oY&e=>

I would like to thank you once again for your time and consideration. Please direct any questions or concerns you may have to me at t0yao003 at louisville.edu <mailto:t0yao003 at louisville.edu> or Dr. Laurie “Lali” McCubbin, Ph.D. at Ldmccu02 at louisville.edu <mailto:Ldmccu02 at louisville.edu>

Tianhong Yao, MPhil
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