[Geogwaste] PhD Scholarship at Monash University, Melbourne

Ruth Lane ruth.lane at monash.edu
Sat Nov 2 19:57:22 EDT 2013

*PhD scholarship:  Wealth from Waste CSIRO research cluster*

Geography, Environment and Sustainability Program, Faculty of Arts, Monash
University, Clayton Campus, Melbourne

AUD$25392 per year

The PhD project is positioned within the *Wealth from Waste* CSIRO research
cluster project, an interdisciplinary multi-university research program
that explores the feasibility of advanced metals recycling in Australia.
The Monash led component of *Wealth from Waste* focuses on characterising
and mapping the potential resource of recyclable materials that are
distributed in domestic residences and commercial buildings in Australian
cities. The PhD project will investigate social practices surrounding the
management and disposal of portable household electronics. It will provide
in-depth understanding of how household electronics are managed within the
home, including but not limited to mobile phones, and provide insights into
how and why householders respond to existing collection schemes and their
likely response to any new approaches to collection of household
electronics for recycling. The primary supervisor will be Dr Ruth Lane, a
human geographer with expertise in waste and recycling. Co-supervisor Dr
Xuan Zhu, who has expertise in GIS mapping, will provide guidance in
aspects of study design to maximise the capacity for generalisation at
larger spatial scales. Funding is provided for fieldwork in Melbourne,
Sydney and a regional urban centre. See http://artsonline.monash.edu.au/wfw/

*To apply:* Send the following documentation as email attachments by *31
November 2013 *to Celeste Hulse:
celeste.hulse*@monash.edu*<celeste.hulse at monash.edu>
 (put “Wealth from Waste” in the subject line):

·         - a covering letter outlining relevant training and experience

·         - CV

·         - Academic transcripts

*Contact for further information*: Dr Ruth Lane, ruth.lane at monash.edu Ph:
+61 3 9905 2937

International applicants should note that the scholarship does not cover
international student tuition fees. However, for outstanding applicants
there is opportunity to apply for additional tuition fee scholarships.
Interested applicants are strongly advised to refer to the
more information. Candidates will be required to meet Monash entry
requirements which may include English language skills.

*Closing date: 31 November 2013*

Dr Ruth Lane
Coordinator, Master of Sustainability
School of Geography and Environmental Science
Monash University
Clayton VIC 3800

Ph: +61 3 9905 2937
Email: ruth.lane at monash.edu

See new 'Wealth from Waste' website -  http://artsonline.monash.edu.au/wfw/
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