[Geog_Jobs] Spring Semester Planning Internship in Athens County

Lynch, Amy lyncha at ohio.edu
Sun Jan 2 15:51:00 EST 2022

The Athens County Regional Planning Office is looking for a part-time intern to assist the Athens County Regional Planner. The internship will be for spring semester 2022 and is unpaid, but GEOG course credit is available. Tasks and responsibilities will include a selection of the following, as they relate to the intern’s skills and interests:

1) Live Athens County Website:

o Researching Athens County communities and find positive draws to encourage individuals looking to relocate to consider Athens County. Compile data to present and utilize in creation of a website similar to LiveDayton.org<https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flivedayton.org%2F&data=04%7C01%7Cgeog_jobs%40listserv.ohio.edu%7C056a96dc30494beea84b08d9ce3195a5%7Cf3308007477c4a70888934611817c55a%7C0%7C0%7C637767534615529737%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=QxWgA7mUID9oK%2BpUZ0NcSlVZf2Qhl%2BrHlzwplCsGLqc%3D&reserved=0>

2) Athens County Comprehensive Plan:

o Reviewing Athens County Comprehensive Plan that was adopted in 2016. Identify areas of successful implementation of goals and policies. Identify gaps in goals and policies for next Comprehensive Plan. Assist in identification of task forces and their areas of study for next Comprehensive Plan.

3) Assisting Planner with Age Friendly Athens County (AFAC) Outdoor Spaces and Buildings Subcommittee:

o AFAC is an opportunity to make communities more welcoming and livable for people of all ages. This includes collaborative efforts to identify needs,
implement projects, and establish places and programs where people can grow gracefully, actively and comfortably in a sustainable, supportive and inclusive
community. Outdoor spaces and buildings: People need public places to gather- indoors and out. Green spaces, seating and accessible buildings can be
used by people of all ages.

o Assisting in identifying existing outdoor spaces and evaluating accessibility.

o Assisting in identifying potential new, accessible outdoor spaces.

4) Assisting with any GIS needs

5) Attending monthly county meetings as they relate to the interests of the intern.

Interested students should email a brief statement of interest and a resume to Athens County Regional Planner Laura Olbers at lolbers at athensoh.org<mailto:lolbers at athensoh.org> by January 14th. You can also contact her with any questions.

If you have questions about receiving course credit for an internship, you can contact Dr. Lynch at lyncha at ohio.edu.

This is a good opportunity for graduating students who may need a few upper-division course credits or might not qualify for internships aimed at students who will be returning in the fall. It also works well for students who may have summer jobs, internships, or study abroad lined up, as it runs only from late-January to April.
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