[Geog_Jobs] Flexible Environmental/Cultural Geography Americorps Position (one year)

Lynch, Amy lyncha at ohio.edu
Mon Jul 5 12:13:08 EDT 2021

The individual who sent his along to me noted that "there is a fair amount of geography in this position, even though it doesn't say ‘geographer.”


We (Ohio's Hill Country Heritage Area) are looking to fill an Americorps position with Ohio's Winding Road (www.ohioswindingroad.org<https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ohioswindingroad.org%2F&data=04%7C01%7Cgeog_jobs%40listserv.ohio.edu%7C51250e0a997e4b2196b508d93fcfc79e%7Cf3308007477c4a70888934611817c55a%7C0%7C0%7C637610983893889298%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=z4RzdIwkVyPUQQQFHyoICKTQ5tj2Iow6829eqZaqYmk%3D&reserved=0>) to begin in mid-August through the Restore Corps Americorps program sponsored by Rural Action. The position is a mix of on site (Shawnee) and telecommuting duties. We prefer mature candidates who don't require significant/constant hands-on supervision.

Our first priority is to recruit someone who has media production capacity, particularly someone with social media, writing and graphics skills. An interest in the authentic assets of the region such as nature/outdoor rec, heritage, culture, the arts, local foods, authentic amenities, etc. is also essential  Another equal priority for OWR is someone who has a particular interested in interpretive guiding, tours and programs, and the logistics/business model that goes with it.

Our tendency is to build the position around the most qualified applicant whenever possible. A year is a short time to train someone and then see benefit from their work once they are trained. So, we obviously do best to select someone whose skill could fairly quickly contribute to the effort without intensive training and supervision.

Also, if all goes well with funding sources, we will be continuing our work in Shawnee, around the Trail Town Network there, and hope to expand that work to Chesterhill in Morgan County, which will also influence our choices.

If you know someone who might be interested (or if you are), have them send an e-mail to ohiohillcountryheritagearea at gmail.com or text 740-707-1775 introducing themselves. We will then get back to them.  A resume would also be helpful sent to the above e-mail address. For general information about Americorps, payments, and benefits I would send folks to Americorps director Shannon Stewart <shannon at ruralaction.org> at Rural Action.

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