[Geog_Jobs] FW: ASFC Internship Opportunity

Sinha, Gaurav sinhag at ohio.edu
Wed Oct 14 16:43:26 EDT 2020

Please see this email from one of our alums. She is looking for somebody to help with some web-based mapping of food resources. If interested, write to her please.

From: Spence, Noelle <ns116017 at ohio.edu<mailto:ns116017 at ohio.edu>>
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 4:22 PM
To: Smucker, Thomas <smucker at ohio.edu<mailto:smucker at ohio.edu>>
Subject: ASFC Internship Opportunity

Hi Dr. Smucker,

I hope this semester is going well for you so far! I just wanted to give you an update, I am still interning with Michelle at Appalachian Staple Foods Collaborative. I have been focusing on mapping and data analysis and Michelle has asked me to reach out to you and others in the geography department asking if you knew anyone that could join our team. Here is a small description of what we are doing and what we are looking for:

We are working on a web-based map spanning North America that will connect staple food farmers, orchardists, processors, and researchers with markets. Map and data analysts will research and communicate with current and potential staple foods contacts. They will then add data to a mapping software and edit to aid our goal of connecting staple foods contacts. Map and data analysts should have experience in ArcGIS or another mapping software.

Skills you can develop and improve from this internship include communication, research, GIS, data analysis, and knowledge of agricultural systems.

Thank you,

Noelle Spence
Ohio University | B.S. Environmental Geography, B.A. Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 2022
Student Alumni Board | VP of Communications
Appalachian Staple Foods Collaborative | Intern
(330) 968-8550 | ns116017 at ohio.edu<mailto:ns116017 at ohio.edu>

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