[Geog_Jobs] Job: Two positions at the College of William & Mary

Sinha, Gaurav sinhag at ohio.edu
Fri Jan 16 16:19:34 EST 2015

Two hires at the College of William & Mary<http://community.aag.org/communities/alldiscussions/viewthread/?GroupId=19&MID=10528&tab=digestViewer>

Apologies for cross-posting.

The Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations at the College of William and Mary invites applications for two positions that will begin Summer 2015:

(A) Data Science Research Instructor -https://jobs.wm.edu/postings/19750
(B) Geospatial Scientist - https://jobs.wm.edu/postings/19751

These positions are designed to support and grow the AidData program. AidData is a partnership that seeks to (a) make aid information more accessible and usable to policymakers, civil society organizations, journalists, and researchers; and (b) produce research and create tools that enable users to more effectively target, coordinate, deliver, and evaluate aid. AidData tracks more than $5.4 trillion dollars from over 90 donor agencies, creates visualization tools and software applications to facilitate understanding of aid information, conducts rigorous impact evaluations of aid transparency innovations, and a variety of applied research activities that seek to improve understanding of aid distribution and impact. AidData has collaborated with the World Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, andUSAID, among others.

For the Data Science Research Instructor, the ideal candidate will have a broad knowledge of geographic information science and big data analytics and visualization, with an area of specialization that intersects with international aid. The successful candidate will be able to illustrate past work employing spatial modeling in social contexts. Experience in using spatial data analysis software such as GRASS,GDAL/OGR, Q, and R, or equivalents is highly desirable. Successful applicants will also have scripting and programming experience in GIS environments, as well as experience with server and infrastructural needs for analyzing large datasets. The position carries a typical teaching load of 1 to 2 courses during the fall and spring semesters. The expected teaching load will include courses in data science and data visualization. In addition to excellence in teaching, the position requires an active program of scholarly activity that advances the field of GIS and data science, as well as aligns with AidData's mission.

For the Geospatial Scientist, the ideal candidate will have at least 3-7 years of research or teaching experience, and significant experience working with policymakers, practitioners, and/or information technology specialists from the global development community. The position also requires strong leadership and networking skills. Optimal candidates will have a strong track record of applying or developing models for causal inference in a spatial context.  This position will be focused on (1) overseeing AidData's efforts to ensure that its geo-referenced development finance data meets the highest standards of data quality assurance; (2) producing policy-relevant scholarship that leverages geospatial data, research methods, and technologies; and (3) providing training and intellectual leadership about the role of geography in development and policy matters and how spatial awareness, spatial literacy and the use of geographic data, technology, methods and visualization media can improve analysis and decisionmaking. The position carries typical teaching load of 1 to 2 courses during the fall and spring semester.

Daniel Runfola
The College of William and Mary | AidData
dan at danrunfola.com<mailto:dan at danrunfola.com>

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