[Geog_Jobs] Gradate Research Assistantship available at WVU

Sinha, Gaurav sinhag at ohio.edu
Tue Feb 3 11:50:08 EST 2015

From: Gregory Elmes [mailto:Greg.Elmes at mail.wvu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 11:12 AM
To: ucgis-all
Subject: Gradate Research Assistantship availble at WVU - Please disseminate widely

The West Virginia GIS Technical Center (http://www.wvgis.wvu.edu),  housed in the Department of Geology and Geography at West Virginia University, is seeking a graduate research assistant at the Masters or Ph.D. level in Geographic Information Science. At a minimum, applicants should have an undergraduate degree in Geography, Geology, Computer Science or related field or any combination of education, training and experience which demonstrates the qualification and ability to perform the duties of the position. Successful applicants are expected to work toward a higher degree in GIS Sciences.

Job Requirements: Work 20 hours/week and full-time employment during the summer; hours are flexible with class schedule. GRA’s include a tuition waver and stipends at the MA and PhD levels are competitive.

Start Date: Start date is typically August, but other project start dates may be available.

Application Due Date: Review of applicants by the Department and WV GIS Technical Center will begin upon submission.

Minimum Qualifications:

 Must meet the graduate student entrance qualifications of the Geology & Geography Department.

 Ability to conduct research in Geographic Information Science and present findings.

 Advanced working knowledge of spatial analysis and/or GIS databases.

 Accepted into MA or Ph.D. program in the WVU Department of Geology and Geography. For application requirements, see http://geography.wvu.edu/graduate-studies.

Ideal Qualifications:

 GIS Research: Demonstrated ability to conduct GIS research on topics ranging from the physical aspects of a region to human activities within a given area.

 Programming Skills: Demonstrated knowledge of GIS programming languages, application development/implementation, mobile applications, and online mapping services.

 Minimal Supervision: Ability to work independently with minimal supervision

 Multi-Tasking: Performs multiple tasks simultaneously in an efficient and effective manner

 Communications Skills: Strong communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to interact with other staff members.


 Submit a formal application to WVU and the Geography Graduate Studies Coordinator. For instructions, see http://geography.wvu.edu/graduate-studies/apply.

 In your Statement of Interest to the Graduate Studies Coordinator, express your desire to work at the WV GIS Technical Center.

 In addition, interested candidates should email their resume and cover letter to Kurt Donaldson Manager, WV GIS Technical Center, email: WVGISTechCenter at gmail.com<mailto:WVGISTechCenter at gmail.com>. If possible, please provide links to previous research and contributions to successful GIS applications.

See attached pdf of position.

Gregory A. Elmes
349 Brooks Hall
Department of Geology and Geography
West Virginia University
Morgantown WV 26506-6300
(304) 293 4685
greg.elmes at mail.wvu.edu<mailto:greg.elmes at mail.wvu.edu>

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