[Geog_Jobs] FW: [AESS_LIST] Directorate Resource Assistant Fellows Program (DFP)

Sinha, Gaurav sinhag at ohio.edu
Thu Mar 6 16:30:19 EST 2014

From: Dyer, James
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 4:29 PM
To: Sinha, Gaurav
Cc: Meeks, Amy
Subject: FW: [AESS_LIST] Directorate Resource Assistant Fellows Program (DFP)

From: Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences [mailto:AESS at LISTSERV.URSINUS.EDU] On Behalf Of Steven Feldman
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 4:18 PM
Subject: [AESS_LIST] Directorate Resource Assistant Fellows Program (DFP)

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced recently a major internship opportunity. The Directorate Resource Assistant Fellows Program (DFP) is a new fellowship program in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  The DFP is designed to provide a fellowship opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to participate full time for at least 11 weeks starting in May.  Upon successful completion of the program, the Fellow may have the opportunity to be hired by FWS within two years of participating in the DFP.  Positions are available all over the country and in Washington, D.C., including a position in my office.

The application period is only open for a short time, and applications are due by Wednesday, March 12.

Please visit http://www.fws.gov/workforwildlife/DFP.html for more information on the different opportunities and for application instructions.


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