[Emeritiassoc] Emeriti Luncheon Cost

Tuck, Martin tuck at ohio.edu
Fri Jan 31 16:08:48 EST 2025

I recieved a couple of e-mails asking about the cost of the Emeriti February luncheon.

As per our contract with the OU Inn, all luncheons this academic year will cost $25 per person including tax and gratuity.  We ask you pay by check made out to the OU Emeriti Association or exact cash. Thank you


Martin T. Tuck, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Dean Emeritus

Ohio University

tuck at ohio.edu

"If I were giving a young man advice as to how he might succeed in life, I would say to him, pick out a good father and mother, and begin life in Ohio.

                                                                         ~Wilbur Wright
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