[Emeritiassoc] Volunteering at the Kennedy Museum

Tuck, Martin tuck at ohio.edu
Wed Aug 18 11:26:18 EDT 2021

Dear Emeriti Colleagues,

I have been in contact with Lori Spencer of the Kennedy Museum of Art on the Ridges and she has asked me to enquire about the possibility of having OU emeriti help staff the reception desk of the museum, on occasion, when they cannot get students or other staff to man the desk.

These would be 1-2 hour shifts during the week (M-F) and it is likely that you would be contacted on a fairly short notice to help.

If you would be willing/interested in volunteering for the museum in this manner, please answer this e-mail or you can send me a separate e-mail at tuck at ohio.edu

My plan is to provide Lori with a name/contact list of individuals who are willing to serve, and she would contact them directly.

Thanks for your consideration.


Martin T. Tuck, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Dean Emeritus

Ohio University

tuck at ohio.edu

"If I were giving a young man advice as to how he might succeed in life, I would say to him, pick out a good father and mother, and begin life in Ohio.

                                                                         ~Wilbur Wright
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