[Emeritiassoc] Emeriti Volunteers

Tuck, Martin tuck at ohio.edu
Thu Apr 15 09:19:37 EDT 2021

Dear Emeriti Colleagues,

My name is Marty Tuck, and I have taken over from Jed Butcher as the volunteer coordinator for the Emeriti Association. As you may know, the Emeriti Association serves the Athens Community and Ohio University by providing volunteers during the exhibits of the Dairy Barn Arts Center and on occasion to the Ohio University Kennedy Art Museum.

During the past year exhibits have been limited due to the pandemic, however the Dairy Barn is planning for the “Quilt National” exhibit beginning Memorial Day weekend and running through Labor Day. This exhibit draws some of the largest visitor numbers for the center.

The Emeriti Association provides volunteers for the Dairy Barn exhibits each Tuesday in two shifts, 10am - 2pm and 2pm – 5pm. The first Tuesday during the Quilt National exhibit will be June 1st. Volunteers man the exhibit desk, greet visitors, answer questions and make sure the artwork is not being touched or photographed.

I am currently in the process of identifying emeriti volunteers for the Quilt National exhibit and could use your help as a volunteer. Becoming an emeriti volunteer is a great way to get involved in the Emeriti Association. I hope I can count on you.

If you are willing to participate as an emeriti volunteer please send me an e-mail at tuck at ohio.edu<mailto:tuck at ohio.edu> If there is a particular Tuesday that you will or will not be available or if you have a preference on the time shift (10am-2pm or 2pm – 5pm) let me know this as well.

Again, I would appreciate you providing service to the Emeriti Association as a volunteer. Thank you for your consideration.


Marty Tuck, PhD

Dean Emeritus

Martin T. Tuck, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Dean Emeritus

Ohio University

tuck at ohio.edu

"If I were giving a young man advice as to how he might succeed in life, I would say to him, pick out a good father and mother, and begin life in Ohio.

                                                                         ~Wilbur Wright
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