[Emeritiassoc] Emeriti: what if it snows?

Edward Baum baum at ohio.edu
Wed Jan 20 18:44:58 EST 2016

Hi fellow emeriti,

Yes, it is that time of year when the snows may come (as in today and 
more on Friday).
So, it is appropriate to remind you of our policy on cancelling the lunch:

If it a level 2 or 3 snow advisory the lunch is cancelled.

If it a level 1, lunch will be held as usual... but drive carefully.
If you cannot get out of your driveway, even at level 1 (some of our 
fellow emeriti have steep driveways) call the O.U. Inn (740-593-6661) 
and ask them to let the Emeriti and catering know so that the numbers 
may be adjusted.


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