[Emeritiassoc] Four emeriti items

Edward Baum baum at ohio.edu
Tue Oct 30 15:38:41 EDT 2012


In the hopes that this does not show up in your mailbox as "suspicious" 
I am pleased to bring to your attention the following:

1. November's lunch is on TUESDAY the 13th. We had to move to 
accommodate the O.U. Inn.

2. Thanks to those who responded to the parking questions. In spite of 
the suspicious message tag 52 people responded (there are 170 on this 
listserv) with the following results:

       7  had no emeriti tags
     21 parked between 1 and 50 times per year on campus
     10 parked between 51 and 100 times
      7 parked between 101 and 200 times
      7 parked between 200 and 300

     Several who parked frequently did so as part of their early 
retirement teaching.

George will use the information in his next meeting with the Parking 

3. The reason the last message was "suspicious" had to do with tightened 
security software on campus.

4. Some of you already receive Compass, the twice-a-week summary of 
happenings on campus. If you don't, and want to, e-mail George Mauzy 
(mauzy at ohio.edu) and let him know.


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