[Eecs_phd] Fw: EECS PhD Research Posters Session During the EECS Retreat

Jadwisienczak, Wojciech jadwisie at ohio.edu
Thu Sep 12 16:43:10 EDT 2024


There is a correction to my previous email.
The EECS Retreat poster session is Friday, October 4 not Thursday, October 3. See my revised message below.
Thank you.

Wojciech M. Jadwisienczak

Professor of Electrical Engineering & Graduate Chair

Journal of Electronic Materials, Editor-in-Chief

Russ College of Engineering and Technology

School of EECS, Stocker Center 331

1 Ohio University Drive, Athens OH 45701-2979

T:740-593-1572 (office), T:740-593-2067 (office)


From: Jadwisienczak, Wojciech <jadwisie at ohio.edu>
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2024 4:05 PM
To: eecs_phd at listserv.ohio.edu <eecs_phd at listserv.ohio.edu>
Cc: Jadwisienczak, Wojciech <jadwisie at ohio.edu>
Subject: EECS PhD Research Posters Session During the EECS Retreat


The School will hold the graduate student's research posters session during the EECS retreat on Friday, Oct. 4 at Burr Oak.

This year we invite PhD students to present on their research project. All PhD students who passed the PhD Dissertation Proposal already or will defend it this fall must present during the EECS Retreat.

However, if you believe that your PhD research has matured enough, or you have been presenting at conferences recently, you may request permission to present at the EECS Retreat.

The students who meet the above requirements should reply to this email by Monday,  Sep. 16 EBD.

The School will cover the expenses of the poster printing if delivered to Tiffany Hunter no later than Friday, Sep. 27 EBD.

The EECS Advisory Board will evaluate the posters based on research merit, novelty, technological relevance, easy-to-follow poster presentation, and a presenting student's explanations (if requested by the Advisory Board members).
There will be two awards for the best poster ($750) and the 2nd place ($250).

Thank you.

Best regards,

Wojciech M. Jadwisienczak

Professor of Electrical Engineering & Graduate Chair

Journal of Electronic Materials, Editor-in-Chief

Russ College of Engineering and Technology

School of EECS, Stocker Center 331

1 Ohio University Drive, Athens OH 45701-2979

T:740-593-1572 (office), T:740-593-2067 (office)

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