[Eecs_msee] Request for TA/GA applications - Spring 2024

Jadwisienczak, Wojciech jadwisie at ohio.edu
Fri Nov 17 14:41:54 EST 2023


We are asking EECS graduate students who would like to be considered for TA/GA appointments in fall 2023 to complete the relevant attached form and return it to jadwisie at ohio.edu<mailto:jadwisie at ohio.edu> by Nov. 27, 2023, at 5 PM. The form must be completed entirely and received by the designated deadline. Incomplete or submitted late forms will not be considered.

Graduate students experiencing a delay in making reasonable progress toward graduation for various reasons and who are 6 months or longer behind the expected timeline described in the Program Guidelines available at https://www.ohio.edu/engineering/eecs/academics/graduaterun shall contact the Graduate Chair prior to requesting TA/GA appointments in spring 2024. Thank you.

Best regards,


Wojciech M. Jadwisienczak
Professor of Electrical Engineering & Graduate Chair
Journal of Electronic Materials, Section Editor

Russ College of Engineering and Technology
School of EECS, Stocker Center 331
1 Ohio University Drive, Athens OH 45701-2979
T:740-593-1572 (office), T:740-593-2067 (office), C:740-707-4936

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