[Eecs_msee] FW: TA/GA Appointment Application for Fall 2022

Jadwisienczak, Wojciech jadwisie at ohio.edu
Mon Apr 25 09:21:13 EDT 2022


This is a friendly reminder... please see below... Thank you. Dr.J

I am asking current and incoming EECS graduate students who would like to be considered for TA/GA appointments in fall 2023 for completing the relevant attached form and returning it to jadwisie at ohio.edu<mailto:jadwisie at ohio.edu> by Monday, May 2, 2022, at 5 PM. The form must be completed entirely and received by the designated deadline. Incomplete or submitted late forms will not be considered.

Graduate students experiencing a delay in making reasonable progress toward graduation for various reasons and who are 6 months or longer behind the expected timeline described in the Program Guidelines available at https://www.ohio.edu/engineering/eecs/academics/graduaterun shall contact the Graduate Chair prior to requesting TA/GA appointments in fall 2022. Thank you.

Best regards,


Wojciech M. Jadwisienczak
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Graduate Chair
Section Editor, Journal of Electronic Materials

Russ College of Engineering and Technology
School of Electrical Engineering  and Computer Science
Stocker Center 333
1 Ohio University Drive
Athens OH 45701-2979
T:740-593-1572 (office), T:740-593-2067 (office), C:740-707-4936
E: jadwisie at ohio.edu<mailto:jadwisie at ohio.edu>

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