[Eecs_msee] ET6020 in fall'21

Dumouchelle, Joel jd704712 at ohio.edu
Mon Aug 16 22:12:18 EDT 2021

Dr J,

I have taken it twice but I never did my presentation.  When I am close to being done I will ask you when I can give my presentation.


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From: eecs_msee <eecs_msee-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu> on behalf of Jadwisienczak, Wojciech <jadwisie at ohio.edu>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 1:15:24 PM
To: eecs_msee at listserv.ohio.edu <eecs_msee at listserv.ohio.edu>; eecs_mscs at listserv.ohio.edu <eecs_mscs at listserv.ohio.edu>; eecs_phd at listserv.ohio.edu <eecs_phd at listserv.ohio.edu>
Cc: Jadwisienczak, Hanna <hj130001 at ohio.edu>
Subject: [Eecs_msee] ET6020 in fall'21


Please confirm by sending email to the Graduate Chair office (jadwisie at ohio.edu<mailto:jadwisie at ohio.edu>) if you plan/need to take ET6020 in fall to graduate in 2021-2022. Thank you.

Best regards,


Wojciech M. Jadwisienczak

Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

Graduate Chair

Section Editor, Journal of Electronic Materials

Russ College of Engineering and Technology

School of Electrical Engineering  and Computer Science

Stocker Center 333

1 Ohio University Drive

Athens OH 45701-2979

T:740-593-1572 (office), T:740-593-2067 (office), C:740-707-4936

E: jadwisie at ohio.edu<mailto:jadwisie at ohio.edu>


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