[Eecs_msee] Restricted access to Stocker and ARC due to Covid-19

Jadwisienczak, Wojciech jadwisie at ohio.edu
Mon Apr 27 18:59:56 EDT 2020

To all EECS Graduate Students,

Remainder !!!

Since March 24, Stocker and the ARC have restricted access due to Covid-19. All exterior doors are locked 24/7.  Graduate students access would need approval from advisor and department chair prior return to Stocker – NO EXCEPTION until further notice.

Please send these requests to your department chair AFTER discussing the situation/request with your research advisor.  When accessing the building we ask all individuals to practice social distancing, remain in office or lab space and not linger in public spaces.

Please contact the grad chair office if you have questions. Thank you.

Wojciech M. Jadwisienczak

Associate Professor
Ohio University
EECS, Graduate Chair
Office: 740.593.1572
Cell: 740.707.4936
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