[Eecs_mscs] EECS Research Seminar Talk with EE Interview Candidate Dr. Nghi Tran-Physical-Layer Communication and Physical-Layer Security: Fundamental Limits and Practical Designs

Hunter, Tiffany huntert1 at ohio.edu
Mon Feb 10 16:36:17 EST 2025

Physical-Layer Communication and Physical-Layer Security: Fundamental Limits and Practical Designs
Dr. Nghi Tran, Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Akron, Akron, OH
Over the last few decades, many state-of-the-art techniques have been developed to address the problem of reliable transmissions over physical-layer (PHY) links. These developments include both information-theoretic studies and explicit channel coding schemes for practical purposes. As a result, effective solutions have been devised and the results can serve as the fundamental theory and practice behind many modern communication systems. Recently, PHY security (PhySec), also known as information-theoretic security, has been proposed and studied. PhySec generally refers to exploiting the unique properties of communication links, such as noise, interference and fading, to provide secrecy and address security threats. The idea of combining channel coding with the aid of wiretap coding and signal processing techniques for both reliability and secrecy has been of much focus in the development of PhySec efforts. While many breakthroughs in information theory and practical code constructions have been obtained, the designs of optimal error correction codes and wiretap codes for both data reliability and security are still an active research area.
This talk shall provide an introduction on the well-established research topics of information theory, coding, as well as PhySec and wiretap coding and emerging research directions in these areas. The talk is divided in two parts. In the first part, I will introduce some introductory materials on information theory and practical code designs. The focus is on the Shannon capacity and evolution of error control coding from the simplest block codes such as Hamming codes to near-Shannon limit coding schemes. I also discuss the improvements of error control coding during the last few decades, with respect to both error performance and complexity issue. In the second part of the talk, I will provide an overview of my past and current research in information theory, PhySec, and code designs, with particular attention paid to important wireless communication systems, such as the next generation of wireless cellular networks and global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs). I will also discuss major open research issues and directions for future research in information theory, PhySec and coding from both an information-theoretic and a practical point of view.
Dr. Tran received the BEng degree from Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam in 2002, the MSc degree (with Graduate Thesis Award) and the PhD degree from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada in 2004 and 2008, respectively, all in Electrical and Computer Engineering. From May 2008 to July 2010, he was at McGill University as a Postdoctoral Scholar under the prestigious Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship. From August 2010 to July 2011, Dr. Tran was at McGill University as a Research Associate. Since August 2011, Dr. Tran has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Akron (UA), OH, USA where he is currently a tenured Full Professor. Dr. Tran's research interests span the areas of signal processing, communication and information theories, security for communication systems and networks, and deep learning in physical-layer communications, with particular emphasis on wireless and satellite communications. Dr. Tran has published one book, 75 journal papers, and 105 conference papers. His work has been supported by US National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, Air Force Research Laboratory, and industry. He also works as a consultant in the satellite industry. His projects with Linquest Corporation focus on SATCOM operational resiliency. The total funded amount Dr. Tran has secured is $3.9M, with $1.8M under his direct share. Dr. Tran has served as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, an Area Editor for IEEE Communications Letters, a Senior Editor for IEEE Communications Letters, an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, an Editor for IEEE Communications Letters, and an Editor for Elsevier Physical Communication. Dr. Tran has also been a TPC Chair and TPC member for a number of flagship IEEE conferences and workshops, such as IEEE GLOBECOM and IEE ICC. At UA, Dr. Tran has been serving as an ABET Program Director of the Computer Engineering program, leading to a successful ABET visit in 2019.
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