[Eecs_mscs] CS5060 Computation Theory in Spring 2025

Jadwisienczak, Wojciech jadwisie at ohio.edu
Mon Oct 14 17:15:40 EDT 2024


This is to let CSMS students know that CS5060 Computation Theory will be offered in the spring of 2025 by Dr. Majid Mirzanezhad, see online OU Course Offerings.

The CS5056 is a foundation requirement and CSMS students must take the course or request a waiver.

The School will not approve the new CS5060 requirements waivers for CSMS students until further notice. Any time conflict between the CS5060 and another course will not be considered a valid excuse for missing an opportunity to register for the CS5060 in the spring of 2025.

Please plan your classes in the spring '25 term accordingly. Thank you.


Wojciech M. Jadwisienczak

Professor of Electrical Engineering & Graduate Chair

Journal of Electronic Materials, Editor-in-Chief

Russ College of Engineering and Technology

School of EECS, Stocker Center 331

1 Ohio University Drive, Athens OH 45701-2979

T:740-593-1572 (office), T:740-593-2067 (office)

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