[Eecs_bsee] Summer Internship opportunities in Cleveland/Akron/Columbus

Hunter, Tiffany huntert1 at ohio.edu
Wed Jan 24 09:59:30 EST 2018

Osborn Engineering is hiring for summer interns.  They hire all Russ College majors.  To apply, please email your resume and cover letter to Rachele Steck at rsteck at osborn-eng.com<mailto:rsteck at osborn-eng.com> or hr at osborn-eng.com<mailto:hr at osborn-eng.com>.

Also, please see the note from Jon Ziegan, a Russ College Civil Engineering graduate from 2006.  He is willing to speak to any student interested in Obsorn Engineering.

I am a 2006 graduate of the Russ College of Engineering (BS-Civil). I am currently employed as a Senior Civil Engineer at Osborn Engineering. Osborn Engineering is currently seeking summer interns in all disciplines. I would appreciate if you could distribute this advertisement to your students.

Our company website www.osborn-eng.com<http://www.osborn-eng.com> also has great information about our firm, its history and our practice. Interested students are also welcome to contact me directly regarding the firm. My contact information and the Osborn Engineering social media streams can be found below with my signature line.

We have office locations in Cleveland, Akron, Columbus, Ohio. We also have offices in Detroit, MI, Denver, CO and Fort Lauderdale, FL. I am always excited to promote Ohio University, the Russ College of Engineering, and its students. I would be happy to have a few Ohio University students intern with us this summer in any of our three Ohio office locations.

The following is the invitation which I received from my Human Resources department.

We are now accepting resumes for SUMMER 2018 INTERNS. If you know anyone interested in an internship this summer for engineering, architecture, accounting, etc., please have them send a resume and cover letter to Rachele Steck at rsteck at osborn-eng.com<mailto:rsteck at osborn-eng.com> or hr at osborn-eng.com<mailto:hr at osborn-eng.com>.

Also, if you would like to have a student come into the office for a "Shadow Day," please go through HR for coordination. Thank you.


Jonathan A. Ziegan, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer
Osborn Engineering | 1100 Superior Avenue - Suite 300 | Cleveland, OH 44114
t 216 861 2020 x 3005 | m 440 785 4691 | jziegan at osborn-eng.com<mailto:jziegan at osborn-eng.com>
facebook<https://www.facebook.com/OsbornEngineering> | linkedin<https://www.linkedin.com/company/osborn-engineering> | website<http://www.osborn-eng.com/>
Celebrating 125 Years of Service

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