[Eecs_bsee] DuPont Washington Works CoOp Opportunities (Summer '17)

Hunter, Tiffany huntert1 at ohio.edu
Wed Mar 1 16:36:09 EST 2017


My name is Matt Taylor.  I'm an engineering manager at DuPont's Washington Works Plant in Parkersburg, WV.

Finally, after a 15-month hiatus, our plant site has approval to restart our CoOp program.

We are looking for 2 B.S. engineering students; a Mechanical, and an Electrical, to both start in our CoOp program in May '17.  The work terms would be May-August '17, Jan-June '18 and August-Dec '18.  An optional 4th term from June '19-Aug '19 would be available, should the students elect to work it.

Generally, we pay in the $20-$25/hr range and work a typical 40hr week.  We partner the students with senior engineers and by the end of the 1st term, the students are doing small engineering projects in their respective discipline, mostly on their own.  By the end of a 4th term, the students are working completely independently and working on full-blown projects right beside the other engineers.  The projects can be improvements to equipment, safety related upgrades, new equipment purchases or process-related troubleshooting or upgrades.  All the projects CoOps work on are real-world, needed out in the plant, and would be assigned to a full-time engineer otherwise; students who CoOp at Washington Works aren't stuck in cubicles all day working on mindless spreadsheets.

Doing a CoOp session is a great way to get over a year's worth of real-engineering experience (plus make good money), and will put you in demand when it comes time to graduate and pursue employment.

The minimum requirements to be considered for the program are:

-         BSME or BSEE from ABET accredited school

-         Minimum 3.0 GPA

-         Be at least at the end of Sophomore year at the beginning of the 1st CoOp term (May '17)

-         Permanent residency/work status for the U.S.

-         Commitment to working at least 3 terms

I realize we're late in the school year, however if this is something you think you'd be interested in, please reply back to me at Matthew.c.taylor at dupont.com<mailto:Matthew.c.taylor at dupont.com> with a resume (including GPA) for consideration.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.


Matt Taylor
DuPont WW Zytel(r) Engineering Team Lead
Matthew.c.taylor at dupont.com<mailto:Matthew.c.taylor at dupont.com>

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